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Everything posted by terryd

  1. I am still at the point when any deviation from what I’ve been practicing with will take me another two years get any where close to target
  2. Yea I hear you. September gets busy fishing pigeon shooting geese and now this pup to kick off. Keeps us going though
  3. Good little van cheap on fuel but typically of me to buy a van I can’t fit any thing in other than the dog lol. Still struggle to go fetch bloody fridge or some thing
  4. More than likely full mischief
  5. I used to think we don't hunt for the pot but for the sport and free grub is a bonus but with todays prices the reality of it now is a free dinner is more than welcome. Fish pigeon rabbit hare duck geese what ever is now more than welcome plus the enjoyment of the sport its self so win win. When I used to work in the woods and was too knackered to make sarnies I would take tin rice pudding with the sultarnas in it. Not had a tin for like 20 years so nipped into tesco. £2.40 per tin ! I left it there bloody redicolous
  6. Until the season starts. Cleared 11 months now and training going well. Retrieve turned into bit of a game for her but she knows the drill so hopefully once working I can get her on track. She’s a busy dog and not the sort to leave lose in the van lol she is an agile little devil and thinks nothing of doing a tight rope walk along a branch to get over an obstacle. When she wants to jump she is like a spring effortless Hunting wise she is more than up for it and raring to go. She is a joy to be around. Great with dogs and love
  7. It happens loads unruly dogs about. I turned up fishing about 5am guy had his van and every thing all wide open with his tent outside. He had nothing to worry about with that dog there. Fearsom looking thing but cool as cucumber. Was more interested in the rabbit scent close by than all the comings and goings of people
  8. There was some one camping down beach car park at weekend with a mastiff. A big old lump of a dog. It was lose and staying close to the tent. So you got put your faith in the owner knowing there dog temp. Kids and little dogs all over the shop and it was unphased in fairness. But it all it needs is some one turning up with pillock of a dog like my old one to see how steady it actually is.
  9. Just reading about that now. Had it two weeks and one minuting it was eating its bone and the next thing dragging the poor kid around. Beggars belief. Lets give the new dog built like a tank a nice bone next to the little kid
  10. Is that siting cross hair thing any good as reference point then mate? My only issue with the scout it the corner is quite bulky and confuses me
  11. Very nice and cracking little combo. Enjoy
  12. Just load cobblers fancies bit of news time. Wish he would shut up and go fishing. What’s wrong with the guy
  13. Who knows all I know is some one lobbed it in brambles out the way. I didnt see any one drinking mead though. I know the farmer and he didnt shoot it and it weren't by a road. Maybe it had an accident lamping and they didnt fancy carrying it. Its buried now out the way so it dont matter much
  14. Lamping badgers is a daft thing to do letting your dog get mauled for no good reason. Leaving your dog is deffinate no no. Some people use these dogs like toys. This is were the old bull crosses get a real raw deal. The poors sods may be up for any thing and these morons think its fun to let them take a pounding. I found one the other day some one had thrown in the brambles like bit of rubbish. Sad site indeed. On the other hand the news is not to be trusted and police are not the best
  15. Bushing with a terrier it's surprising how far a rabbit will go. Also rabbits are far from stupid. Few years a go the lurcher was tracking one through cover. I had a good vantage point and I saw the rabbit double back in the brambles and sneak by the dog with in feet. I can see it now the rabbit giving the dog a sly peep as it snuck by and then legged it once it got by. The dog nose to floored carried on then did about turn and was hot on its heels. Great sport from humble rabbit
  16. I can't understand these people that are camped on pavements for days to see this stuff. Where do they get that enthusiasm from. I can't think of any thing that I would be that keen to see to get me to do that.
  17. So true I think we all have good memories of them years. Small farms that were still worked with old boys tottering about who didnt care what you did or even if you asked as long as you did no harm. I still walk the same ground now and things have changed so much. The amount of wild life has dropped so much compared to what it was. There was an old warren in a corner of some gorse a real hot spot. I let a wild polecat go down it as a kid because I didnt have a ferret. That was a bit hectic for five minutes until it legged it. A fence line that had old oaks spread along it with no cover and und
  18. For some reason that pic reminds me of Michael Jackson. The old welsh ministers are trying to stick it too us now. This daft woman needs to keep her mouth shut. They have no right to say whats others can and can't do
  19. Big daddy in the garage as a kid nice chap remember it well he was all smiles and waves oh and the actor Mark Lewis Jones. I never met he just saw him at start of a race. I couldn't help staring cause I was sure I had seen his face some where. Bet he thought I was a stalker or some thing. Few hours later it came to me I had seen him on TV. Smarted arse whooped me by an hour too
  20. We can't all be judged on the action of one surely that would be stupid. But like said its the poor dogs and the farmer. Them dogs wont be dieing of old age thats for sure
  21. Idiots the amount of time I put in making sure that dont happen. An accident can happen but you do your dammedist to avoid it
  22. Yea its crystal clear run of water. Its below some sheep fields though and apparently don't eat raw due to liver fluke ? Might be wrong. Never seen it before and alls fancied trying it. Will have to do a bit more research
  23. You folks more than likely seen them but some good pod casts by the Chris fella
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