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Everything posted by terryd

  1. Life is cheap who ever else was on the plane don’t get mention not that there likely to have been any better than him
  2. Does night vision not give better value for money if you just want to see whats out at night ? Obviously thermal is the boy if you need to use during day as well
  3. After what happened to me old dog which was my fault for letting him get nailed one too many times as pup. The new dog just cleared a year old and not had one bad experience with other dogs and she is great. She only meets off lead 100% dogs I know. I wont let any other dog with in a mile and I don't care who I upset
  4. Think its a case of a little dog getting away with things lol. If that was a 30k bull cross it would be viewed differently. The little JR here was the best dog of my life time and wasnt a fighter but he was the boss. Lucky for him here the big fella was a gentle soul lol
  5. The son in law started keeping pigeons and I reckon racing would be bloody interesting. I think its some thing he is going to get into once he get some birds sorted. As for a dieing hobby I reckon now a days a lot of lie in rented where keeping a dog is bloody major thing let a lone whacking a shed out back full of pigeons. Our local allotments dont allow live stock of any sort either
  6. terryd

    Net mending

    Super set of video here on repairs. Will go well with TC's pinned post here Part one is more of an introduction The meat of it starts here
  7. It looks fine just cut some hazel pegs and off you go. Just make sure there is plenty of slack in the net once you run out and if there is not just shorten the running line. Certainly dont need go spend 160 quid on a daft basket thing
  8. I keep my self to my self but over the years have meet up with two people off the forums well rabbiters and both 100% one sadly gone. Had plenty of offers of trips out off tidy folks but it’s not my thing
  9. Meet some very good people on these forums and even if I haven’t meet in person you can tell who’s tidy or not
  10. Sorry for your loss folks. Had mine put down couple weeks ago. His lump on the leg just got to big and he started struggling. Worse thing was mentally he was fine. Our last walk together was heart breaking and he marked a rabbit. Next day doing the deed in the vets wrecked me. Bloody pain in ass and liability but give anything have him back
  11. I have decided to give chicken of the wood ago which is pretty idiot proof apparently
  12. Really must get off the Star Trek group
  13. Yea makes sense bloody handy. Not sure how they would fair around here though can’t go ten yards with bloody hill
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