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Everything posted by terryd

  1. They just love digging the dirt. Media is worst thing ever for everything
  2. Mentally I reckon after two or there abouts. Of course it varies
  3. Good luck Keith hope it goes well
  4. Cheers mate I think we ended up around 23
  5. Never had a proper collie cross before. They seem have lots of character. Bit full of beans but other than that so far so good
  6. Can see a repeat of Scotland coming. Only matter of time no hunting with dogs any where England and Wales law on foxhunting unworkable, says police chief | Hunting | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Trail hunts used as a loophole for unlawful chasing and killing of animals, Matt Longman tells...
  7. Bunch smarmy idiots. Look at them. Never walked a hedge row in there lives The government blatantly in bed with the antis and open about it Sickening
  8. Sally had some beardie greyhound in countryman’s weekly recently
  9. For some one in charge of an army sending the convoy up the main road to Moscow was never going to go well. Good job he had a change of heart
  10. Not sure which one you mean but we have to get behind them or they will disappear like every thing else. Our local hunt had a show last weekend apparently a success. They put a ton of work and effort into it and it’s a credit to them and appreciated. I never went because when these things are quiet there not much fun. I must make the effort next year. The Welsh game fair they used have by Llandeilo used be terrific day. Thousands of people red arrows the full works. But it dwindled off and got slated by my self included. But it wasn’t there fault just a sign of the times with our gorml
  11. There’s a guy I see on a motorcycle and on the back his got a little box with two Yorkshire terrier size dogs in it. Just there heads stick out. His got them matching helmets so all three of them wear these little black leather looking helmets. The Lurcher saw them this week and looked at me as if to say wtf did you put in my biscuits
  12. Think that’s a common theme. My old dog got big old lump on his leg. Vet wanted a grand to remove it with no certainty. It might or might not come back. She was surprised when I said no thanks. She said his only eight. His not suffering and two years later the pain in neck is still here. Think he getting pay back and going to hang on for years
  13. Aunt is well out of line all over news blaming the dad. Helps no one nothing to do with any one but just wants her five minutes fame. Bet news thought they hit jackpot when they found her.
  14. That was what I thinking when time comes just ask the vet to do a call out. Might be worth running by you local vet and get registered with them. Some vets around her have actually stopped taking on people they gone like dentists and doctors
  15. Some people like risk and adventure but not for me. Watching the tide when I am fishing and putting a cold foot on the mrs when I get into bed is as far as I like to push the envelope
  16. wont a vet just come out ?
  17. Very sad indeed so the knocking every half an hour was nothing then ?
  18. They are sending the remote control sub that recently did the 3 d image of it. Be there in fifty hours
  19. Show all you folks up just about sums him up really
  20. I remember about 30 years ago the chap I worked with in the forestry used to most excited about elvers think he caught them and kept in a tank and some one came to get them for big money. Have to look him up not seen him for years as for pollution it’s endless This is what is happening to our river just below Haverfordwest.... FB.WATCH This is what is happening to our river just below Haverfordwest. There are 2 pipes entering the water course... a river up the road
  21. Some dogs have a shite life. It’s a shame. Has it actually done any thing wrong. Or we thinking if it don’t get the right home it will do
  22. IT’s designed to handle the depth and been down before ? Not sure how it could just disappear but obviously something went wrong.
  23. Yea that’s where the cunning plan falls over
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