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Everything posted by terryd

  1. Trouble with blankets and the like they just drag into the run
  2. It’s simply not easy for sure. Been at it couple years on and off. As said fork width makes huge difference. I am using 95mm not which I like so sticking with it. I have moments when I pull off great shot then I think dam where did I anchor etc. Theres so much room for error. Ref point anchor point elbow position pouch grip. Then you got different ammo bands. Bloody endless. My shooting is poor but getting better as I understand the concepts more. Then you hit some thing dead level and think great. Try shooting up or down goes pear shaped again because you then have tilt hips and all that stu
  3. Forget ferret and rats don’t tend to worry about there smell. Maybe air rifle and night setup or stick with traps I would say
  4. Definitely or spend a 130,000 on a road sign that looks like baked bean tin. Don’t ask. But the principle is a good one. Instead of wasting billions slash bills plough it back in. But they know all this it’s just common sense
  5. Ain’t that the truth. Imagine if they gave the local council all this money who then slashed council tax to the floor. Then everyone has more money in they pockets which then spend in local businesses and everyone is better off. The local council tend to be bunch dodgy gits but it’s first thing that comes to me
  6. I remember being about eight making a bow and arrow and trying to shoot a pheasant. Then around 11 where we moved to there was an old chap across the road who kept ferrets. He did some snaring rabbits and fox and sold fox fur to cobbledick. I started doing the same. Things progressed from there
  7. Thank you. I do all my practice now aiming up or down lol because that’s where it counts. Still really rubbish but it’s coming.
  8. Had wander this evening and bingo. Well chuffed very satisfying Got 3 catty now. The scout a wasp and just bought the evo That said a bloody forked stick would work. All to do with fork width it seems and what works. Basically as they say on YouTube you can’t buy accuracy. But slowly we are getting a bit better
  9. Superb to see it don’t get any better. But know a days it’s like there is a big cloud hanging over it all because you know when his your age it will be a miracle if it’s not all outlawed. That said the youngsters are the future so we need to keep it going. The grand kids are coming if they like it or not. Don’t care what there mum says
  10. Just cause 3/4 of the muppets don’t like some thing that has no affect on them what so ever it’s fine to restrict the liberties of the other 1/4 load of cobblers
  11. Pheasant today. Not riddled with shot this bad boy
  12. terryd

    Pet hates.

    Saw a welsh government advert on YouTube last week. Load old folks and mums saying how much relaxed and safer they feel. What a load of shite
  13. terryd

    Bare feet

    Worn cheap wellies all my life but recently had to stick some insoles in them. Feet were killing especially after few miles on soft sand carrying weight. since putting insoles in been much better. So next wellies better get some decent ones
  14. Yes bloody rarity around here lol. If I was just a ferreting man a busher that could hold a line and mark would be the way too go. 90% of rabbits are on top and just duck and dive unless pushed hard. But of course with Lurcher I can have dabble on lamp
  15. I don’t go far so most of my ferreting is more of a mooch about and take the ferret in case. Small perm this one just four small fields. First two packed with sheep. Fine with sheep but keep on lead till we got through them. Can’t have her scattering them every where after a rabbit. Next field saw rabbit sneaking along the hedge row. Let her off to do her thing. She tracked it few hundred yards or more and nice little mark. Rabbit in bag off home we go Dog is naturally sneaky which is perfect for me
  16. Nice to see some one working decent hedge lol. Nice one Arry
  17. Out with the rocket last night found nice blind drop. Bit rough for dog though we winkled a couple out back tonight with just nets. Bit early but looked like big rain coming. Set a short double strand to the side of some brambles thinking they would miss them heading for wood but I got that wrong as I watched half dozen amble into brambles later missing my net by yard or two. Through the hedge then ran 50 out where all the rabbits were last night but quiet tonight and just picked up the one. Nice as all ways to out though and next time will have better idea of what’s needed
  18. No finesse tonight bass mash beans lol
  19. Just got back whacked few chips with it thumbs up. Roe was tender as but after 8 hours in slow cooker you would expect it lol
  20. Roe in black bean sauce. Bought unfortunately. No idea what it’s going be like. Try it with chips later after a duck shoot this evening
  21. True enough folks I need to check my sources !
  22. My old fella used to be like that. Wife ask him to sit or lay down he would look at me as if to say shall I listen.
  23. I was going to say Farage likes fishing so they would get my vote. Thats about the only good thing I can think of. Then I read that his no fishermens friend lol Nigel Farage is no fisherman’s friend: he’s been ignoring them for years | Fay Schopen | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM His hijacking of a Brexit protest in Whitstable was typically opportunistic. British fishing deserves a better ally than this charlatan
  24. Teal are superb eating and by Christ they can move. Like jet plane going over your head at dusk. Don’t know if you should shoot or hit the deck
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