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Everything posted by terryd

  1. I was gifted a night vision binocular and bought an IR torch to go with and its perfect for what I need which is too check out a field at night. Only benefit of a thermal for me is finding squirrels in day
  2. terryd

    Pet hates.

    The people who film these videos on Facebook and just standing there instead of trying to help while some one is drowning or some poor animal is getting mauled
  3. terryd

    Pet hates.

    And glass bottles. Granddaughter fell cut her knee this week on some glass on pavement. Dogs picked up few cuts over the years. On what planet do people think it’s ok to leave broken glass laying where people walk. How thick can you get
  4. Got everything crossed for you good luck with it
  5. Really tasty need to get some more
  6. Trying for goose tonight on stubble no idea if they feeding there not had chance to scout plus moon is up. Fingers crossed
  7. Don’t think so that’s why I bought wasp plus wasp is more low profile it looks. The clips on scout very chunky. Least that’s my excuse for not being able hit barn
  8. Bought the sights and a uniphoxx you sods making me spend money again lol
  9. Yea I know mate. This old git nearly took my nose off one day. I couldn,t get him in back car and I went to just drag the bugger in and he flew at me. I twigged then it was the rabbit I had thrown on the floor lol. Had his teeth against my nose lol. Nearly marched him straight to vets. He did mellow with age though and I miss the grumpy old git
  10. First light waiting for ducks to cruise in best feeling
  11. Aggressive and possessiveness best avoided lol. Temperament is key from parents.
  12. No jok greyhound collie kelpie
  13. She’s on a chain there when she first saw it I had to peel off roof of van. But I reckon I can steady her up unlike the old boy
  14. Perfect age now for the season. Around 14 months. Hunting like a trooper in the day superb nose. Bright as button Joy full little dog happy as can be. lots of work ahead mind retrieving. Recall on the lamp as she is very nose oriented but going to be fun
  15. Do you have an item number please? I find my scout the corner is very bulky and seems cluttered and I have a job lining things up some times and my eyes are not the best now a days
  16. Great fun that. Do miss having a busher.
  17. Working sadly trying for goose Saturday evening
  18. Very nice indeed all ways sounds good cross that terrier cross spaniel. Would imagine ideal ferreter busher gundog type. Plus mongrel looking so no attention.
  19. Life is cheap who ever else was on the plane don’t get mention not that there likely to have been any better than him
  20. Does night vision not give better value for money if you just want to see whats out at night ? Obviously thermal is the boy if you need to use during day as well
  21. After what happened to me old dog which was my fault for letting him get nailed one too many times as pup. The new dog just cleared a year old and not had one bad experience with other dogs and she is great. She only meets off lead 100% dogs I know. I wont let any other dog with in a mile and I don't care who I upset
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