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Everything posted by terryd

  1. Nice high sides that’s handy. I have gone back to straw last night get her nice and cosy started to turn chilly now. It gets changed weekly. But bale straw is a pain to get hold of at least close by. Bale paper was 20 quid delivered to door but could got 4 bales for that. Save it for the ferrets
  2. I tried shredded paper this week went really well 🥲🥲
  3. Treat training and stock breaking just not going work. The pup either just needed to be familiar with stock from day one or now needs a big negative especially if it wants to chase cows now. As we know there’s dogs and there’s dogs some are easy and some are not. The old fella rip you pain butt had plenty big negatives and could still never be trusted
  4. Can’t fault any of that nothing not too like. Love it
  5. Sounds good and if they play it right and appeal to these new folks in the countryside that know nothing about the countryside. The carrot nibbling badger lovers as well as our selves that might give them the numbers
  6. Yea I gave up on sausages. Lots of faff and basically burgers in a skin lol
  7. They where nice rabbit couple slices bacon and this burger mix
  8. Are the people that started the investigation not just news papers which sort of says it all really
  9. Rabbit burgers courtesy of the pot filler
  10. Bet the chap organising it wishes he kept quiet now. All it would take is one muppet with daft dog. On the other hand if you turn up with no dogs its hardly an advert
  11. Most shoots will give you pheasants happily but there mostly in a poor state compared to a nice fresh one procured your self
  12. That’s true my old dog when a bull dog grabbed him and he turned tables. With nothing to hand there was no getting him off it nightmare. Terrier types feel no pain when the eyes glaze over. These xl things look like tanks don’t bare thinking about. You see these fb videos people hitting them with sticks and all sorts and nothing registers
  13. Just about sums it up. Try beating green light around here. Change 15 times before you get too it. Prat’s
  14. Same here too arkwrights for me for last few dogs its good value and they seem to look well on. I have found it a bit dusty of late and I dropped them an email and got a free bag. They also looked into it and found no issues so seem tidy people that make it. Every batch they make they keep samples to refer too if needed. I mix with few other bits. Tin sardine and spoon of tinned just to keep it interesting. Old boy looked ok on it Seems to agree with the new girl too
  15. No idea of breed but this is just beyond. what sort dogs go around killing people on the streets my old dog didn’t like being approached by strangers but he certainly never wanted to hurt anyone
  16. I was gifted a night vision binocular and bought an IR torch to go with and its perfect for what I need which is too check out a field at night. Only benefit of a thermal for me is finding squirrels in day
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