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Everything posted by T42

  1. Smart write up and a nice little bag, enjoyed reading this. A>T>B
  2. top pictures mate. looks like a good day. ATB T42
  3. Thanks for the comments. Vin, i've got a couple of stop nets now as well. the arsenal is growing! I can't wait to get out again and put them all to use. T42
  4. I’m sure we can all agree, the area in which we do our work can often be challenging to say the least. This leads to many frustrating, disappointing and just downright annoying moments and in fact sometimes, days!! I’ve often dreamt about being able to walk across the field and have open sets in the middle of open fields where brambles, thorns, nettles, hedges, wire, and trees do not interfere with the simple task of laying a purse net. However in Shropshire where England meets North Wales such a fairy tale does not exist or I’m yet to find it anyway! I’m now into my second season of ferretin
  5. I have a mate who has a habit of dropping rabbits!! hahahaha Just laugh it off, and they go towards the breeding program
  6. R>I>P Little Jill. Sorry to hear what has happened. Makesure you get fixed up with another Jill for the other Ferret Best Wishes T42
  7. hope you have a belter day ATB T42
  8. All the things i could recommend have been said... the only other thing is... take a thermos full of tea. a cup of tea can work wonders on a cold day
  9. One of the most worthwhile videos ever put on to youtube. Thank-you.
  10. Great stuff. Thanks for your help!
  11. @Chartpolski Yeah they all have draft free, clean and warm sleeping boxes with shredded newspaper as bedding with an exterior kennel with fresh water. They also get doubled up in winter for extra warmth. I just wanted to double check that one of them would be alright outside prior to getting one. Thanks @Veedublee Thanks for your help, I'll definately look into a beddy / whip. Trying to ensure I can give the little tyke the best bed possible for outside. I hope your misfortune incured so far with your whippet turns around for you and wish you all the best for the future
  12. Evening all, Basically looking into getting a running dog, ethier a whippet or a lurcher. Prefrebly a Whippet as thats whats been recommended to me, and it's what people I know around these parts have got. I know some people say that whippets are more fragile and less hardy? Is this true? Also been looking into there living habits and it is said that they don't like living outside as they obviously have short hair. I'm just basically wondering if any of you do keep them outside? Any tips for keeping them outside? Note: I currently have four other dogs, three labs and a
  13. ok....so iv tried many options with loading a picture. Im using photo bucket too. Iv tried to put them straight in my gallery but still nada!....but i am trying to do this on a macbook......will this effect it? iv noticed when uploading pics to the gallery it states no larger than 350k....my pictures are all 1.0mb and up, no matter how much a crop them or bring the quality down.....so...im still stuck. Any idea's? Thanks
  14. What if photo bucket isn't resolving the problem, mine is still saying 'can't save URL'? Thanks
  15. Ok thanks. I've reposted this in the long netting section or the forum swell now, it maybe better suited there....
  16. Im looking into buying a quickset long net. Something like a 50yarder. Where from? What z? and What sort of price do i want to be paying? Any help is much appriciated . . Many thanks.
  17. Im looking into buying a quickset long net. Something like a 50yarder. Where from? What z? and What sort of price do i want to be paying? Any help is much appriciated . . Many thanks.
  18. Has anyone rang this bloke yet?? lol
  19. They say that hay will carry lice and mites. This can be true but I had mine on hay for years with no problems, however i have just converted to shredded newspaper. My way of recycling.
  20. What? Proper f****d?! Sorry when anyone says that all i think of is Micky in the coursing scene in Snatch!
  21. So the £1.50 we get for them gutted in skins is a good enough price by the looks of it. I wonder wether he will give us more for them skined? afterall it only takes an extra minute or so to skin them. 50p for a minutes work dont sound to bad to me!
  22. Ha i never heard of anyone swapping for things before but it seems like alot of people do it!!
  23. Just out of interest I was wondering does the price of rabbit vary across the country So.....How much are people getting from their butchers/gamedealers for rabbits? Also how are you selling them? i.e as they come? gutted? skinned?
  24. My terrier is the complete opposite! He just lets them walk up to him and just stands there! One bit him on the lip whist out on sunday and he just causally walk about 25 yards to me dragging the ferret with! Not bothered in the slightest! I pulled the ferret off, tap on the end of the nose, she went back to bolting bunnies and he went on back to his post at he other end of the hedge!
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