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About T42

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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    Shropshire/North Wales

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  1. 2 x Dark polecat / dark fidget jills wanted now. (no hobs); Somewhere between 8 - 12 weeks old ideally Will have an A* home for life Not necessarily looking for freebies, looking for good ferrets so willing to pay "but don't want my pants pulled down over the price!" Looking in the North Wales, West Midlands or Cheshire area. Please PM me if you have some nice kits or know of any going. Thanks, T42.
  2. I use a game bag with the flap open tucked behind the bag for easy access then just flip it close when finished or moving between places. Works for me.
  3. Great watch. Sometimes you can get lost in the modern advances of today, but as said, a lot of things said those 30 odd years ago (and way before, from the people who taught him) are still the first things you should learn and practice today.
  4. A dyslexic walks in to a bra....

  5. Also try australian hunting net. I've been living in Sydney for the last 12 months and the guys on there have been really good to me. Had heaps of lads offering days out with them. nice bunch the Aussies, just provide them with beer and they are happy! Atb T42
  6. Well done boys looks a cracking day. Top pics too. ATB
  7. Ye your right, i haven't got a firearms licence that is valid over here. I was working out the city a bit today in Rockdale so didn't get to the park. I will have a look at that forum though thanks mate. Would love to see how things are done over here. I will probably travel around Australia before going home. Hopefully to see a bit more, and get a bit more hunting in.
  8. Top pics mate and some top dogs too.
  9. How you going mate. Welcome to the site. I am spending a year in Australia, been here since march this year. Currently living and working in Sydney. Trying to sort out and get into some hunting over this side of the world. Very much like youse of I am a small game hunter. Rabbits by ferret, long net, lurcher and rifle and foxes on the rifle too. Been busy fishing here and also took a trip over to Nz and did a bit over there too. Any pointer as to how to get involved this side would be great. Cheer mate.
  10. Thanks for your responses, I ended up calling the vet. She took blood tests and took her into the surgery for a scan that night...Turned out it was not heat stroke, the little nipper was riddled with a tuma. So unfortunatlely I had to let her go... not ashamed to say I shed a tear for her as she was a good ferret, not just working, temperment and character too... That's life though... Tvm, T42.
  11. *HELP* VERY ILL FERRET... Jill. 2 Yrs old. Not in season. No life in her whatsoever. Breathing quick. having full body convultions and seems as though can't control bodily functions. Has been in a run with three other ferrets... all of the others are 100%. 30 minutes ago, She has drunk a tiny little bit of water. had two small pieces of meat but has sicked them back up. She can raise her head and just about move around, but by that i mean crawl. nothing more. just lays still. Any help or ideas what I can do? Thinking that maybe she has sunstroke or has eaten som
  12. Don't take this the wrong way, but have you done any research into owning a ferret? In reality you're pissing in the wind with one ferret. You'll knacker him/her out in 2 hours. It will be running round the warren in circles trying to get rabbits bolting and just using up energy bustin it's back for nothing. You need two atleast! no more hasssle to keep or maintain and definitely worth their weight in gold. you say acquring a ferret... what do you mean by this? you're getting given an old one or you're going to buy a young one? Ensure you are going to give the ferret the best possi
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