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Everything posted by 'AlphaLurcher'

  1. Where does this idiot think meat comes from ? shows how most antis have very little knowledge of what we do. atb 'AlphaLurcher'
  2. ye mate im from Croxeth only round the corner
  3. dh x's will do all that mate true mate just not my kind of lurcher to tell the truth.
  4. I'm looking at a collie x greyhound but im not planning to go for much bigger than charlie. Atb 'AlphaLurcher'
  5. Fingers crossed you get the dog back mate. Someone was saying the dogs that get robbed end up over the pond well i am based im Liverpool, Ill keep a eye and ear open for you.Ill let the lads know and tell them to spread the word.Hope you find her mate and the scum that took her. Atb 'AlphaLurcher'
  6. If your just after a polecat mate,Lister drives got loads in.I don't know if there tame though. all the best in finding one 'AlphaLurcher'.
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