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Everything posted by porkybella

  1. Heres mine shorter ultra barrel big bolt and rowan trigger. Been fettled with by a unknown fettler lol
  2. Go traditional walnut bud ull get bord of the camo cant respect the tru beauty. Cheaper aswell if in futre u get bored have it camo dipped
  3. Hi all ive recent bought 2 2nd hand knives one looks handmade other is a browning the sheaths are that fake plastic leather im after 2 leather proper sheaths can anyone help atb rob
  4. Nice bud its a dipped walnut stock. Ive got a customized r10 vc best rifle ive owned and ive had qite a few
  5. Stock looks familiar lol nice rifle bud. I got the viper on mine.
  6. Great ideas lads gonna have a look now.
  7. Hi all Ive managed to pick up a 77 stock cheap It come today and is in decent cond Ive alredy got the same stock on my 97k As i got it cheap the idea is to use as a project. Anyone got any ideas ???
  8. Tony screws and taps a fixed spring guide into rear block supposed to stop most of the recoil. To be honest ive had my 97 stage 1 tuned and its bang on. Shoot it and enjoy it first bud you will love it as when you get the hang of it. It is alot more rewarding. Stevie wonder can shoot a pcp haha
  9. Good luck buddy i can second this rifle and chap swapping the rifle.
  10. Best thing to do buddy is screenshot a pic of google earth highlight your permission. You and you landowner sign it and put contact numbers on there. I always tx my landowner to say im going out. Atb rob ohh and best to get insurance if you have non.
  11. Anyone going the CLA gamefair at ragley hall Alcester. Was wondering what its like is it worth £25 entry. Only up the road for me.
  12. Heres a pic of my very first springer it started its life out brand new which i bought from solware tamworth for £375 i bought it as a hw97kt stainless model first i sent it off to tony wall at sandwell fieldsports for a stage 1 tune 4 weeks later i picked it up it was firing cocking accuracy was great but still didnt feel good to me. I knew straight away it was the plastic thumbhole stock so i swapped it on here with goz1960 for a hw77 stock straight away accuracy was improved at least 30% it felt much better. Next step was a sling so i opted for the 13.5mm bisley swivels. I fitted them and o
  13. Yeah has a 13 inch ultra barrel Rowan trigger And has been fettled with Reg been played with Over the chrono about a 5fps spread
  14. Dunno how to gafer lol how do i get em off sony handycam
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