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Everything posted by tinson1

  1. Hi all, in the next few months i will be looking to get my first lurcher, i have done all aspects of the hunting game and prefer the chasing part of it, i love watching a dog chase its quarry and return it to hand, i know of a few mates that are also into it and we talk regular about there outings! When i come to buy my lurcher i want something fast(obviously) agile and powerful but also friendly enough for a family environment! I have read up on the forums and it comes down to personal choice, i have taken a liking to a 1/2 grey 1/4 bull 1/4 collie, reasons being it should be fast enough for
  2. Went out tonight, there ok but not [bANNED TEXT]! Spose i only paid £13 lol! The bulb is square, wouldnt use it for lamping, walking dog through fields at night thats bout all!
  3. Yeah that's the 1, only got it today, gunna have a look out later with it, seems ok tho, the bulb is square tho, gunna try look tmz if you can get a circle blb for them
  4. Got myself a Cree torch 1800 lumens, there was a topic on here a few weeks back about people putting a cone shaped object on the end of it to tighten up the beam just wondered if anyone had mastered it yet? Cheers Ryan
  5. Does anyone make any decent hunting knifes? If so who and what peices? Cheers ryan
  6. Them EBT's on the first or second page are possibly the nicest looking EB's iv seen, wasnt so keen on the breed but seeing them shows how powerful they can be! Y does every thread get ruined by some jealous idiot? Anyone who says sumert bad about sumert so good has to look at them self! Credit when its due! Lovely dogs!!
  7. Cheers alan! Not gunna get rid ov him just wanted some advice! Will get a muzzel!
  8. Hi all, i have a staffy(well i brott him as that) but now he has become a beast, he has got to be crossed with some sort ov bull! His a dog 14montjs old, i have a working fell terrier bout 6yrs old but shes never been worked only kep as a pet, iv had the staff from a pup and has been ok eith my terrier and friends staff, my mate(with the staff) then got a lurcher pup, we took them out for a walk and my staff went for the pup, even tho just [bANNED TEXT] i met up with my mate i had walked past another dog and he didnt even look at it, i havnt tried him with the pup again yet, just wanted to no
  9. Hi I have for sale a bashan bs200 road legal quad bike, 200cc, 09plate, 3months tax, first mot due end of next month, great starter quad, in good condition, has a crack in rear fairing but is covered over with a sticker, all lights work fine, breaks a little squeaky, new wing mirrors, new carb 2 months ago, I'm looking for £850 or a swap for a bigger quad, in the west mids aera! Can send pics via email or text, text on 07718221032! Cheers Ryan
  10. Hi I have for sale a bashan bs200 road legal quad bike, 200cc, 09plate, 3months tax, first mot due end of next month, great starter quad, in good condition, crack in rear fairing but covered over by a sticker, new carb 2 months ago, all lights work fine, brakes a little squeaky, new wing mirrors. Looking for £850 or a swap for a bigger quad. Can send pic via email or text! Text on 07718221032 cheers Ryan
  11. [NO TEXT TALK] make lure machines on here? How much ect....? Cheers ryan
  12. Rabbits, but if I do take it out and there's Sumert else out there and I can't stop it [bANNED TEXT] it's off the lead I want to b able to hold its own! I don't wanna b losing a dog bcuz ov Sumert stupid!
  13. Im looking to get a Lurcher, I want a bull whippet, what sort or quarry would a 1/2 cross take? Or would a 3/4 whippet 1/4 bull be better?
  14. Sound mate! Giv reliant services a call! 01214728608! It's my gdad open 9-5 in Birmingham will post! Has got everything n anythink to do with reliants
  15. I'm after a ferret any sort or age, working in Birmingham area!
  16. cheers! i wudnt want loads ov dogs in it like collie bull whippet grey, sumert simple but effective lol!
  17. Well 90% rabbits but if there is Sumert in the dogs way I want it to b able to defend it's self, I wud prefer grey whippet bull or grey saluki bull! But WTs the best cross from them? 1/2 grey 1/4 bull 1/4 whippet?
  18. hi all im after my first lurcher but i dnt no [bANNED TEXT] cross to have! can u help?
  19. If looked and couldn't see anything?
  20. The terrier we use is a little fell terrier! She goes down about arms length then sniffs for about 15-20 seconds then comes bk! Any tips we can use? Wythall is south beam btw
  21. Hi I do a bit ov shooting with my pal and I was thinking about getting a gundog, wt is the best dog to get? Also how to train it and wud it b possible to train any dog? The reaso I ask and this myt sound stupid but I have a staff pup and wanted to no if I could train him? Cheers Ryan!
  22. Text me 07718221032 I'll message u some
  23. Wud u b interested in a swap? I got a Suzuki sj plus cash?
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