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Everything posted by bo88y

  1. sporting dogs no turn up? i had dog bed cash on me too, spent it on messages on the way home :-(
  2. beardie collie gives a woolie coat like that
  3. can you not just copy and paste a link ;-)
  4. we are only allowed to hunt rabbits and rats so wolfhound might be a bit overkill
  5. cant se the advert now, but some in Dunfermline for sale
  6. bred by a lad called Bob,,, and he is a cock ha ha ;-)
  7. Keith Livingston given first hare coursing Asbo 26 October 2015 From the sectionEdinburgh, Fife & East Scotland A man caught hare coursing in East and Midlothian has received the first Anti Social Behaviour Order (Asbo) for the crime in Scotland. Keith Livingston, 54, was also fined £150 for two offences under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Friday. The conditions of the Asbo prevent him from entering land with a dog or with other people with a dog for 18 months. Livingston was arrested near Pathhead, Midlothian in October 2014. P
  8. I think the Hancocks are becoming a fashion type dog, if you want to spend £300 plus on untried stock, hair enough, or you could buy a dog half the price that might be twice as good, i know up here some hancocks have been brought up purely for the shows, as for the FB page, am on it, i have posted legal hunting pics, and have pointed out the bad points of Hancocks, am still there, maybe its how you put your point over ;-)
  9. last time i had a bag like that it took me two weeks to get them lol
  10. what was the time for catching these, were they on grass, or winter wheat
  11. whats the score with the k50 ? thought there were the bo**ocks ? the K40 is the one to have, good beam and very bright, still use a proper lamp , but this torch is great for a quick walk about, or if you want to be less obvious ;-) http://www.acebeam.com/acebeam-3000lm-k40m
  12. so if you get a good bag wi a good dog, yi canny post it on htl cos the jealous fuckers wi shit dogs turn into trolls lol
  13. how the f#ck did you find a collar too long for that neck?! dont think the collar is too big, think its a grab handle
  14. seen me walking for hours, not even seeing a rabbit never mind catching one, but i am just happy being out wi the dog (unless its pissing down ) so when i get an invite to a rabbit polluted farm to kill as many rabbits in as short a time, thats when i unleash my super dog
  15. Did Dave give you half them rabbits ha ha (thats what he said ;-) )
  16. you wont ever have a super dog if you sit in the hoose bitching about it, get out and do it, or of course just accept you have shit ground and a poor dog ;-)
  17. it must be galling to have a shit dog and not a super dog, or even a decent dog
  18. no the Bevi park, its Randolph park, up near the scrapies, its good banter ,also you can run your lurcher at thornton after the hound races
  19. yip i know all this, i am only getting info 3rd hand, it is the reason they get away wi stuff, cos no one does anything about it, police included
  20. the pups have maybe went to a nearby camp, but the owner is worried about confrontation because he has other livestock and is worried about reprisals, if thats his decision, and the polis arent interested, not much he can do, a reward might work, then smash them when they hand overthe pups, if they ge away this time he will never get peace
  21. they guys drove a 4x4, viewed the pups on sunday night, and the pups and bitch were discovered missing this morning, 4x4 tracks were in the field at the back of the steading
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