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About massey72

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Excellent show thanks so much to Andy and all the boys for making us Yorkshire lads so welcome, see you all nxt week at the fell n moorland we’re we do it all again
  2. Go on old lad av clearly touch a nerve there, he nos who I am am the lad wi the two black patterdales, al b at a show in Huddersfield this Sunday and at ottley show the week after, he won't b tho as he won't no the judges, I don't av to hide be hind any key board, and am certainly nothing like a sabatour, I look forward to meeting you and bill, al gladly av my say,were is it av put sum thing about mr Gibson av never erd ov him, he mite do a lot for charity but so did jimmy savel n we all no [BANNED TEXT] went on there, why av you cum on ere avin a say [BANNED TEXT] its clearly got nothing to
  3. I wunt bother going to this, if you av terriers that is, its won be for the show starts, by a certain bill oddy look a like called mr Atkinson wi his black n tans, he nos all the judges up that end o woods, by pass the show n go to brid for the day
  4. Who won terriers show pal, wa it bill oddy look alike wi his black n tans by any chance
  5. I wunt bother going to this, it's same people up that end o woods winning all shows, it's a bit ov a c**t [BANNED TEXT] the judges no the dogs names never mind the owners names,
  6. Went to this yesterday, (Saturday)same old really judges judging the owners and not the dogs,the best enterd class wa just a joke think the judge thought it wa best enterd dog in to the boot of a car
  7. eBay mate there's a couple on there up yr way
  8. Nothern Yorkshire terrier worker why r u always the first to start slaging lads post off, bet yr not evern interested in buying the dog.. f*****g prick
  9. Your In for a world o pain putting the cat bit on ere pal
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