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About TheLaddie78

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  1. Especially when the P+P is $91.50 on it's own...
  2. I agree with Deano on this one, an open carcass is all but certain to draw them in, but if a dead rabbit slit open next to your nieces trampoline is a bit too much, you could always use 1/4lb of mince, the redder the better. In my experience works just as well! Stay hidden, they'll be on the lookout for you don't doubt it and once you get the first the others should flock in... strangely enough! Let us now how you get on and good luck! Jim
  3. Murph, as you know from my thread mate I'm looking for the best scope for the same gun, so, your choice of scope interested me... So I googled it and WOW! From what I'm reading that is indeed a mighty scope... Not sure I'd put it on a non FAC rifle, but it cant do no harm eh? Ps. Just because I have this second seen the numbers for this, I can tell you that it's parallax adjustable from 50 metres... http://schmidtandbenderriflescopes.cheapriflescope.com/tag/marksman/ Happy hunting!! atb Jim
  4. My first post here and I joined because of your listing mate! I was shouldering one of these for the first time at Cheshire Gun Room only yesterday, thought I'd scan the forums for one before paying the full asking price straight away. Plus its a bonus since I'm in the M19 area. The downside is, I wont have the cash until the end of the month, on the missus' orders. BUT if you still have the gun come then, I'll take it off your hands face to face cash? PM me if you want to know anything more. Cheers.
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