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Everything posted by gerfalcon

  1. Make some enquiries with your regional British Deer Society chairman. Contact details can be found on the BDS web site. They often have range days, visits to estates and other together's. It might help you meet local stalkers and will be a good intro into the deer stalking world.
  2. Neither climbing roses, nor Russian vine is on the new schedule 9 invasive species schedule. Although Virginia creeper is along with 35 other plant species. The new Scottish Wildlife £ Natural Environment bill came in in April 2011. It makes it illegal to plant any non-native plant in the wild in Scotland ! Exactly what constitutes a non native plant in Scotland I have yet to ascertain.
  3. We're glad that you take such an interest in our discussing and online conversations. I suggest that you would be better served tending to your own business. As its obvious that ours upsets you. Perhaps a note to yourself will help to remind you of that simple solution to your perturbation.
  4. We do indeed. Unfortunately what we have are career politicians. Like her or loath her the last politician we had with any spine was Margaret Thatcher.
  5. "nothing intelliegent came out of her mouth," Thats because there is nothing intelligent between her 2 ears. Any moron can mouth off and sit there swearing. She was certainly no Enoch Powell and his rivers of blood speech. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HP7fETsKYkA
  6. We buy it in bulk and have it delivered. But you can pick it up at any of the farm/equestrian supply outlets. It gets sold under various brand names Ecobale, Ecobed, Shredmaster. If you want a straw like bedding Green Mile do a corrugated cardboard bedding for about £7.50 for a 22kg bale.
  7. A sad indictment of the English social and education system and the trailer trash low life's it continues to produce. What child would want that as a mother?
  8. Have been using recycled shredded cardboard for all of our livestock including dogs and ferrets for the past 5-6 years. A 20kg bale costs about £6.00. Ferrets and dogs love it. Warm, no dust, no ticks, fleas or mites and you can either burn it or compost it when your finished with it.
  9. Absolutely despicable behaviour on the part of your assailants.The rent-a-mob crowd always feel their bravest when there is more of them than there is of you. What Tug has posted is very sound advice. What I would add is as you clearly had your phone on you, make the call to the police ASAP, say you have been assaulted, and your property damaged and that you suspect that they have a weapon about themselves or in the vehicle. Once off the phone start taking photos of the vehicle and each one of the yobs. or if you phone can do video so much the better.That way you'll have audio as well as visua
  10. Don't fret. The doberman will be used to hold them still whilst I get the telling shot off. I'll just say the dog gave them a chew once they hit the floor, can't I.
  11. Italy approves self-defence law. The Italian parliament has passed legislation allowing people to shoot robbers in self-defence. The law permits the use of guns and knives by people in homes or workplaces to protect lives or belongings. The reform was introduced by the Northern League party, a right-wing member of the ruling coalition with a strong anti-crime platform. http://news.bbc.co.u...ope/4645228.stm This happened in 2006. yet we the UK are about to enter 2012 and still we haven't passed a similar law.Why not? The Castle Doctrine has been part of English common law for
  12. Italy approves self-defence law. The Italian parliament has passed legislation allowing people to shoot robbers in self-defence. The law permits the use of guns and knives by people in homes or workplaces to protect lives or belongings. The reform was introduced by the Northern League party, a right-wing member of the ruling coalition with a strong anti-crime platform. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/4645228.stm This happened in 2006. yet we the UK are about to enter 2012 and still we haven't passed a similar law.Why not?
  13. Don't you realise that all of these idiotic programs are based on real life. Thats why there are so many arsonists, adulterers, con men, shirt lifters, non working farmers, air craft crashes, murderers, and layabouts with no visible mean of support. And there's never any burglaries, muggings, car thefts, druggies scoring deals on the street corner, thieving pikies robbing fuel out of tanks and stealing anything thats not nailed down, and coppers turn up within 2 minutes of the call going out. sounds like a nice neibourhood the worst thats happend around here is people knicking all the fen
  14. It seems that the moral of this story is never to send or lend this clown anything.
  15. TD I'm simply expressing a POV. Using the appropriate language. I'm sure there are some who have found his posts of interest. I don't happen to be one of them. But then I haven't read all 4K of them Anyone with half a brain cell can swear and cuss. It takes little effort and impresses no one. In fact surveys have shown that its actual does the complete opposite and make you look a complete dork. But that's their choice. I'm sure if they only realised they would look upon it somewhat differently.
  16. Don't you realise that all of these idiotic programs are based on real life. Thats why there are so many arsonists, adulterers, con men, shirt lifters, non working farmers, air craft crashes, murderers, and layabouts with no visible mean of support. And there's never any burglaries, muggings, car thefts, druggies scoring deals on the street corner, thieving pikies robbing fuel out of tanks and stealing anything thats not nailed down, and coppers turn up within 2 minutes of the call going out.
  17. IMO they are a great example of a product designed to meet a need that doesn't exist. The angling industry is always coming up with stuff like that. It usually catches more fishermen than it ever does fish. Its the same with this chair.
  18. Well done that ................errrm .non male person Just have to find a way of loosing the avatars now. You can't help with that one as well can you?
  19. The gaitors are Nylon. Fine for walking the hill, lousy for stalking in. All those rustling and scratching noises.
  20. Stu As you can see in the opening line i have included does and fawns AFAIUi its generally accepted that only roe give birth to kids and the rest all give birth to fawns.......or calfs. Anyway regardless of the terminology used, I had expanded the question to the 5 other species. But I accept i missed out the words hind and calfs. I hadn't realised we were splitting the hair so thinly in this matter.
  21. I accept that its his ground ......................given the plants selected. I would have to question his judgement in regards to his agreement of the plan. Don't forget that the close relatives to Russian vine(Fallopia baldschuanica, syn.Polygonum aubertii, Polygonum baldschuanicum) are Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica, syn. Polygonum cuspidatum, Reynoutria japonica) and giant knotweed (Fallopia sachalinenis, syn. Polygonum sachalinense) Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) is a vigorous grower and may get out of hand if not kept in check . It will climb trees up to about 5
  22. Ok, so we've covered the bases in regards to roe. What about the other deer species? Well structure the question in a manner then that takes in the procedure for the different species of deer , your question related to Does and kids , If you had worded it different and included other species then each answer would have been different very ambiguous in its inference to say the least and the poll would need adapting as the answers given would not represent the full and true picture of procedure, also what is regarded as correct procedure by the Deer Initiative does not reflect the proceedure
  23. Thanks at least I now know it can be done. I just have to hope some one can remember how or I manage to find the right boxes to tick. Wish me luck, I'm going in.
  24. It always highly amusing when those who are obviously seriously limited in their vocabulary try to express themselves. Especially amusing is their over use of certain trite expletives. Its a common mistake that so many of them make in the childish belief that it makes what they post have greater impact. When in truth it simply confirms their lack of education and ignorances. Both social and intellectual. All to many see being "ignorant" as some kind of badge of honour when in fact its completely the opposite. Especially when on an open forum. There nowt wrong with being a common man, but
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