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Everything posted by panther82

  1. Well its not for the money im thinking of doing it for a pup to bring on myself or im considering the option of buying a pup off working stock I have been searching the net for working stock... But yes mate you're right in what you say..
  2. Got a new bitch just bringing her on more and nothing much round here yet..
  3. ok mate, Bitch just coming up 3 rough coat white and tan approx 11 1/2 tts I will try and get a pic on here, she is ok on scent bushing but would rather be in a hole doesnt like animals lol and she came from a farm.
  4. just wondering if anybody has a working jrt in the north east to put to me bitch one day.
  5. Thanks for the comments guys im just always browsing the dog ads and wondering what to get next.
  6. Was just wondering what would you say is the right size for a working terrier 13-14 inch and spannable?
  7. can I ask how tall the bitch is looks a small un
  8. Nice choc bitch mate I always liked patterdales.
  9. Nice dog mate I have a jrt 11 1/2 tts bitch not parsons though not had her a week yet.
  10. Hi was just wondering if anybody has a parsons russell and are they any good because most look good but some people dont work them.
  11. Nothing wrong with getting it from the us it just takes longer thats all
  12. Thanks for the reply but I need to get it in the uk. does fish flex work really good too?
  13. Ok thanks and where do you get the antibiotics because I know lots of people don't go to the vets. can you name something I could use just in case?
  14. ok yeah i mean the first couple of times they get bitten off rat ect and they get swollen, just got a jrt thats very keen thats all
  15. So does that stop anything like the dogs head swelling up and stuff like that?
  16. Hey people, Just wondering how people clean the wounds or bites on terriers so they dont come infected?
  17. Just wondering does anybody know where i can get fish flex (cephalexin) in the uk or is it just ebay?
  18. Big strong dogs cant get in where little dogs can ive had a couple of patterdales and i thought i would get a jrt for a change
  19. ok gonetoearth is a 11" or 12" " size dog ok and what do you use?, online there is many reports of 11 inch dogs being fine above and below.
  20. Thanks for the comments and maybe a little game dog is good I dont know but I have heard some will make good workers. if anybody has one can you post a picture?
  21. Ive just got a Jrt mate approx 11" only yesterday that should be ok chased one rabbit while out earlier.
  22. Thanks mate and I thought so I saw a big border cross get a good bite lol and it would do more harm to a little dog.
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