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Everything posted by bulljack

  1. 11 months still young, give him a little more time and run him with some good bushin dogs.
  2. shes not big dezz just fat to much chicken lol :laugh:
  3. yeh took 2 weeks to clear all the dogs, all 100 percent now and mad for work
  4. they are dirt always have been, and considerd a joke amongst real dog men, an old timer once told me it could be possible they swam ashore from spanish ships that sank off the irish coast, and where kept abord ships to control rats,i dont know if this is possible just what i herd from an old dog man.
  5. good pic any of that head case i had no dezz but the chopper dog is his full brother very like ur oul dog.
  6. nice danny looks a strong little bitch.
  7. brother and s.ister i bred about 7 yr ago, the granfather of your pup on left l330
  8. i have a spare one for you bulljack,dont say anything to l330,his ended up in my pocket :laugh: :laugh:
  9. yeh got one of the fridge they dont all work has to be steel magnet, the black ones wouldnt work thats why i was askin, must be why the origanal one has the steel on it thanks for replys
  10. looking for an on/off magnet for bellman flint if anyone has spare one for sale or where can i get one.
  11. how could it be easyer to keep a dog than a ferret, and ferrets dont need any special training just drop them and away they go jmho
  12. i dont sell dogs bud let you know if i here of any pups goin.
  13. she is very steady broke to stock from a young age will even walk past chickens in the yard, wouldnt turn my back on her all the same :laugh:
  14. had this pair out thismornin 1/2 bred pup on the right sister to l330s dog.
  15. here ye go ,from about 5 weeks ago,might bring him out with us tomorrow, did you go ferreting dismorning? ,how did ye get on had a walk around that farmer was tellin porkys, feck all rabbit up there, the brindle n white bitch went to ground for the first time got her out handy tight spot maybe fox deeper down dont know hadnt got the good bitch there to mark , but defo no rabbit in it because the ferret ran the lot the pup is lookin good.
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