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Everything posted by bulljack

  1. He should be locked in a small wooden box naked and full of hungry mink see how he likes been eaten alive pair a wankers.
  2. Hope he works out for you not my cup a tae , but a fine strong looking dog all the same, will he be used as a catch dog if he works out. Its good to see you posting again keep us posted on his progress like to see some hog hunting pics when you get him out good luck.
  3. here you go little 40lb bitch 2 year old .
  4. Excellent read keep the pics and story's coming really interesting stuff happy hunting
  5. They turned out well spindelero the brindle dog is cracker
  6. pic taken today, shes turning into a nice bitch now.
  7. bulljack

    Can't Wait

    Crackin pups taff can you stick one in the post for me lol .
  8. they turned out well p666 crackin pups.
  9. fair play lads, many would walk away from that shame about the bitch but at least you got to her in the end.
  10. unfortunatly lurchers keep bad company and these mupits will always give good dogs a bad name, we are all tared with the same brush when it comes to lamping.
  11. fair play pinguu hope the pup works out for you
  12. why did you buy the terrier pup is it a pet not takein the piss genuine question.
  13. she turned into a nice bitch how old is she now.
  14. We got 2 dog foxes up on Alexs farm,he asked to come up the lambs are starting and he lost a few the other morning good stuff did max get a dig.
  15. how did you get on anyway i take it you got a bit of diggin done
  16. maybe your dog is to big what size weight is he, deep earths can be very tight.
  17. i had it done to me a few years ago and they new wich dogs to take, i had afew terriers and they only took the ones that were working they cut locks of the shed and past by the dogs i hadnt started, them dogs must have been taken to order.
  18. hope tom gets his dogs back all that work to produce good stock and some scumbag just takes them dirty cnuts.
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