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About billybaltic

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 15/09/1969

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  • Interests
    fishing football flytying hunting

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  1. They are the club's that i've been looking at, but can't make my mind up which one to jump on, cheer's for reply.
  2. I haven't been on here for a while, but i'm looking for a club to join, fishing for mainly carp and also pike in the winter, can't say i've just had a good winter for the pike but finding it harder to find decent water's to fish, looking at places in chesire or within a 100 miles of liverpool, cheer's for any advice.
  3. Depending on the swim i sometimes leave a slight bow in the line instead of tight line to bomb or feeder, mainly for a slight upstream cast, enjoyed your post, good luck.
  4. Congrats on your new pb mate and new complex record, you must of worked hard for that, some think you just cast in but i guess you have been doing a lot of studying on the water, great fish and good luck in future forays.
  5. It's sunday morning, my head's a bit fuzzy , and i can see pics of paradise and talk of bonefish jitters and bonefish fever , they must be the best saying's i have heard (and i will use) i have laughed my head off at them saying's that woke me up. Great stuff mate.
  6. This has been a great thread and i have loved every pic, the story's must be brilliant stuff, you should have a think of doing an article for THL, maybe it could be pinned at the top of the fishing section, the pics of some great fish made me feel a bit daft when lure fishing for perch on a river in cheshire yesterday, i had 2 perch, the best went 1-12 but i could see your pics in my head of them cudda's and thought these perch are too small for even bait, but i still loved every minute of it, good luck and hope to see a article soon.
  7. Excellent tench catch, i haven't had a tench this year but haven't fished for them, mainly lure fished this year, i think i will put the lures away for a month and have a go for a few other species.
  8. Ha ha Billy! I think there are quite a few windows out onto the loch, but aye, its a nice wee place to live, surrounded by countryside and a nice big loch full of fish in the middle of the village....and some not too bad wee pubs! You are just rubbing it in now.
  9. I have never thought of using a small deadbait for perch, but thinking about it then why not, something i will try, cheers BOLSTER. PS. hook through tail or head, i would think tail myself.
  10. It is against the law to keep these pic's in the draw or cupboard, they must be shown on this site, it reminds me of looking at dirty books when i was a youngster, so keep putting them up and i will be back in a minute or two.
  11. Great pics mate, them cudda's are what pike anglers dream off, well i do, good mates, good fishing = great times.
  12. I can see the loch from my living room window!!! , You are a very lucky man.
  13. as you can tell, i'm a bit of a fan
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