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About k3lv

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  • Birthday 12/12/1985

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    hunting because liking anythin else makes me mentally unstable (apprently)
  1. before I comment can I ask what your other offences were? well assault (grabbing a guy...is assault these days) and then about 7yrs i got another caution....but for the love of god i cant remember what for ..........ill ask my family if they remember it an get back to you
  2. hi see this is an old post but if you have not found anything yet there is a free software out there called gimp ....not quite photoshop but pretty handy program
  3. cant find land =[

  4. so plinking ....whats fun to shoot ? i like tryin to hit match heads =] jus wandering what other items are fun to shoot at eggs with a penny glued to em make a fun messy target as well as the free ketchup sachets so whats your plinking targets ???
  5. the avatar is an old school tattoo design (very popular one at tht ) and doesnt have anything to do with my mental state if so maybe we are all f****d up for shootings living things for fun and or sport and because i like knives guns and other weaponry and ask this qeustion im not fit to hold fac and in my details im jus not very good at talking about my self so was 1st thing tht came to mind but if you would like to know my biggest offence was assault not convicted but got a caution ....as to asking the qeustion i jus wandered if anyone here has served time and got licenced as ive heard peop
  6. keep hearing different stories about it ...people sayin you will never see an fac/sgc if you had run ins with police an others sayin as long as you aint done bird for 3 years any guys/gals on here with criminal records an licenced ?
  7. hi looking for shooting permission around the stone/staffordshire area currently using a .22 air rifle but will be applying for firearms soon as xmas is out the way any help will be a god send cheers
  8. jus signed up thought id say hello how you all doin ?
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