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Everything posted by Billmister

  1. O'neal element motorcross boots! Grab a bargain! £35 and posted! pm if intrested and i'll get some pictures up!
  2. i am really intrested in a QB78 its tuned just wondering what fps these have, and any good for shooting rabbit?
  3. i am really intrested in a QB78 its tuned just wondering what fps these have, and any good for shooting rabbit? cheers!
  4. Bundle of over 25 fishing magazines.. £20 and posted.
  5. I really really would like a QB78... Anyone have one for sale or know of anyone who wants to get rid of one, then PM me, or just reply:) Cheers billy.
  6. Need a bipod to fit onto a barrel!... anyone have one?
  7. Anyone have a barrel bipod for sale?.. cheers:)
  8. I dont like my hatsan mod 60s stock wondering Does anyone know of any othe good looking stocks which will fit a hatsan mod 60s? many thanks, billy.
  9. Anyone have any tips on the easiest way to remove my front iron sight! finding it really hard!
  10. Crewkerne, somerset! thanks for the intrest mate.. Please get back to me as soon as possible!
  11. Hatsan 22 air rifle with scope swap for a qb78.
  12. Its a screw on one. how much you looking for it mate? from billy.
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