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walshie last won the day on September 8 2013

walshie had the most liked content!

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2,804 Excellent

About walshie

  • Rank
    "English Dai"
  • Birthday March 15

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  • Location
    GPS signal lost
  • Interests
    SHOOTING, GOLF, MOTORBIKES, DRINKING, MOANING. (Not all at the same time)

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  1. walshie


    Mission Viejo south of L.A. Only stopped a few days.
  2. walshie


    We recently had a couple of weeks in the good old US of A. Started off in California to see T's sister, then a few days in Vegas, then up to Utah to see an old THL member @ChrisJonesand his family. It was so hot. The night we arrived in Vegas it was 94°F at 1 a.m. We went to breakfast one morning with Chris and his good lady then onto where they filmed Butch Cassidy. They had us over for BBQ one evening and Chris took us to lunch then the shooting range one afternoon where we fired off 3000 rounds between us of 22lr, 9mm, 10mm, 357mag, 40S&W and 38 special. Great fun. What a great blo
  3. Haven't smoked a cigarette for 4 years mate. All good ta. Same old, same old.
  4. They get taken down pretty rapid.
  5. Good to see you back Nicole. The site has been missing it's token blonde.
  6. These shouldn't even be getting past the approval required stage and there's an equal amount of spam that was sitting in the queue waiting to be approved. Keep reporting when you see them and I'll bin them.
  7. Do you need a wire trace if you're likely to catch jack pike?
  8. Zeros and ones with Ethan Hawke. Absolute crap. More like a covid public information advert than a film.
  9. Obviously it's a Teagle PTO driven broadcaster fertiliser speader.
  10. That's what I thought, but there's no splines. Unless they've rusted away.
  11. I got it out. When I say I, I mean Ben got it out.
  12. walshie

    O Eddie

    It's a tiktok vid from when he "ran over a car" with his tank last year.
  13. Yeah. I've seen those videos on youtube where the object pulls out of the ground and smashes through the back window of the truck. Can't get the truck anywhere near that field either due to where it is.
  14. Today's update. It's in a mass of roots. I wish I'd never started.
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