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About underdog1985

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 01/04/1985

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  • Gender
  • Location
    south wales
  • Interests
    going lamping when i get the chance

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  1. my dads sister is an anti shes never grassed anyone up
  2. madness and greatness so who knows over a few generations to increase the speed of the greyhound
  3. i know alot more than all you think about trigger2 i lived in ludlow on and off for 6 year with my girlfreind but now we are married she moved down permanetly with me i met alot of dog men in ludlow who have been out and seen his dog trigger run and not one off them had a good thing to say about his dog he gave a lamp away to somebody off this site who lived 60 mile away he hand delivered it free of charge and he put it on here for everybody to see how nice he is did you know that trigger2 kept his dogs a few year back at an old couples place free of charge the old women wasnt in good health a
  4. i see underdog said i spoke to him which i did but if i remember correctly i recall him saying that i didnt say much about others peoples dogs and how he got all the information about trigger2 dog i have no idea and yes trigger i am on my first lurcher and have never claimed to no it all i am being taught by the same bloke that taught you mostly what you know and until theres a person willing to take me out with more experience than the bloke in question which is hardly unlikely because this bloke has put the man hours in for season after season after season and is still doing it now so vin th
  5. bird the dog in question was about 18 months old when he took a knock from a veichle it didnt affect then and it doesnt affect him now its just an excuse look forward to your reply
  6. thanks Andy. i am looking forward to the years ahead with him. just got off the phone to oneshot and he tells me thats only your second dog youve trained from a pup so do you think theres a good chance youl fcuk him the same way as you did trigger looking forward to your reply trigger isnt f****d from work mate i think somones got there wires crossed somwhere. he is 7 years old and semi retired. hes always been a typical collie blooded dog end of. hes always been the same since day, and hes had shit loads of work BUT NEVER GOT ANY WORSE. its just the way the dogs personality/character i
  7. thanks Andy. i am looking forward to the years ahead with him. just got off the phone to oneshot and he tells me thats only your second dog youve trained from a pup so do you think theres a good chance youl fcuk him the same way as you did trigger looking forward to your reply
  8. if you pulled you head out the sand and changed your ways maybe one day youl have one capable
  9. i wouldnae be too quick to try an slate folks dogs anymore whinny poo pooo, you see aint they pics of your dogs rake has stuck up on the forum an fae where im sitting i dont see any capes or superdog badges on them my bitch is 24 ats, an still waiting for you to come ferreting :laugh: there not even a chance of you to meeting halve way
  10. my old man recons in the 1970is he had 107 with one dog it was a place called weobly and dog was a big rough haired thing what he thinks was a deerhoud cross he said in them days there plenty of rabbits
  11. spot on , we all know other places are harder than the dales, ive said before if you get dozen by me you dogs done bloody well to get that.! But Tomo done Brill to give the dogs plenty to go at, and thats what its about working your dogs. Ive had good bags before, and Bryn could still get good bags, but i think more of a mental thing for me , because after 20 -30 odd rabbits , it looses the buzz for me .! it should be the other way round after 20 or 30 thats when the buzz starts ask tomo or robert michem i think they will know what im on about
  12. apart from all the hard work thats been talked about,the dog also must know there job i bet theres not many dogs that can catch 50 plus rabbit on them hill and go back time and time again and still doing the job ( invite whin )very well done tomo
  13. I have always found lurcher to lurcher bred dogs have better stamina recovery and durability.Their can be a lot of variation in lurcher to lurcher bred types the type i kept for years could be a bit sensitive temprement wise due to collie influence. you expert on first crosses as well other wise you ranting on about lurcher to lurcher all the time dont mean a thing
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