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Everything posted by Saho-man

  1. so there was no such thing as black and tan fox terriers ... how did germans create jagd terriers , whats in their make up
  2. america ? lol shoosh those who know lol
  3. pitter patt ! i like my staffer patt more lol... next we gonna hear bulldorzer lol bull x border terrier .
  4. good shit... pix please lol what u call line bred pit x patt .. a pure patt lol i hate ' pitter patt' ... they dont call wheeler dogs staffer patt ...lol.
  5. Now partly I blame the bull in him, unbelievable ... i used to smack my pure apbt if he did something wrong and the others i had... never even stared, they would run and hide. blame your dog not the bull .
  6. none of them are hunters... millionaires with servants ,dogs and captive pigs ... they the autocrats watch while clueless servants try please their masters...
  7. their dogs their country their animals ... i wouldn't interfere, i would advice only. some people think using dogs to catch pigs is inhumane no matter how many dogs u use , 1 2 or 20. or how fast u kill. to antis we all the same . all hunting method are cruel and need banning.
  8. u would think there would be age limit to register
  9. maybe i need glasses... where is working terrier mentioned in that quote.
  10. a dog doesn't need to show his gameness everytime , he should have intelligence ... dumb game only good for breeding not matching or badger work.
  11. being game has nothing to do with style of working ...
  12. gnasher u said '.meaning a poor quality bulldog ( ie a cur ) can create just as good a dog from the cross as a gr ch pit ace !.' no way a 10 minute cur can with stand being dug to 2 ,3 times every week every season .. i read story of one armitage that quit from first bite, armitage said he was runkest curr he has seen.. now can such useless dog stay badger for hours every week every season .. or will he come out after 5 min with badger . and refuse to re enter. really a terrier needs true gameness to be able to work badger week in out .
  13. just noticed dave harcombe mentioned old nuttal stock in his new book. 'old'....so what that bout.
  14. thout was gonna sing this song
  15. u should ask r. booth, nuttal, gould, d wheeler , why they have the cross ... patts are mainly bull x.. patterdale is not a breed is a type . bull x terrier type . my opinion.
  16. sc is smart i noticed it.. fcker almost solved the puzzle lol with his sixth sense lol
  17. why dont u say the same bout those hard school boys.. im the one attacked... he was first to say i wouldn't da this in his area i would be mugged , would shag me bla bla... if u had intelligence u would say i hate boys who think they can take on anyone , im just man doing marketing never mentioned im anything , but it was assumed that i would be mugged by some boys.. i said no dont think so... normal defensive reply , blame not on me... but its not natural to think bout it from different angle, we r naturally biased and one sided, we have to try to see things from different angle.
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