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Everything posted by SON OFF SHAM

  1. here is a perfect example for the young ones on here......remember kids, smack is bad............... It happened before it could happen again very easily, ip addresses ain't to hard to obtain smack or no smack. I'm anti drugs by the way and my age is on my profile. Edited to say I never put anyone's dog/dogs down or slagged they're dogs. You have a wild imagination.
  2. Take it what ever way you want, frankly I don't give a FCUK. Your the one writing lads names on here, I'm sure he would be just as pleased with that !!! I wasn't even talking to you. I was merely asking a question, how close is too close ???
  3. Yea i got a springadale great wee grafter !!!! Ha ha. What business off anyone's on here is it what terriers I own ???? Mmmmmm NONE me thinks !!! Too many bellends on here posting this and that while the anti's and police sit and read everything you'd say !!!! I remember a site like this got people into trouble a few years back. History may repeat itself and you'd have no one to blame but yourselves !!!!! C ya later smart fella
  4. thats to close to home for him If John Gorman wanted the dog why did he not just get it nicked from the mans yard for himself !!!! Mmmmmmmmm ohh sorry I'm way off topic here, apologies That's too close to home for him. Lol how close is too close ???
  5. what a tit Ohh right hears another person that doesn't understand sarcasm, I'd dig more in a day than you would all season ffs. Terrier man ha ha
  6. Well that's your opinion isn't it, unlike yourself I'm not into dogs for the money. £700 terriers FCUK sake don't get me started Smart fella.
  7. I just keep bolters, two or three at a time, digging to sore on my hands !!!! Ha
  8. That makes two off us. Ha ha take a chill pill son ffs. Some brave men on here, it would near scare ye too death !!
  9. Look you, the threads only asking whats the deepest dig you've had, ok. You came on and said it was 13 OR 14 foot. Now unless you have a unreal set off earluggs on ye, you should know what depth on the box the dog was before you dug it. So any wonder your getting laughed at since you can't decide on how deep you dug !!!! Ohh and your calling other people ejits ?? you must be fcuking simple. Ever heard the saying think before you ink !!! : )) Now sos,i dont think rtan has ever been laughed at on here,but you put a thread on about bullx's then you slag off this man who keeps them,get real.
  10. I'm the same only I wouldn't stick someone to a wall I'd do a disappearing trick on there sorry ass !! Great thread this. : )))
  11. If John Gorman wanted the dog why did he not just get it nicked from the mans yard for himself !!!! Mmmmmmmmm ohh sorry I'm way off topic here, apologies
  12. i dont know much about lines or nothing, alot of people keep sayin how s**t bull crosses are and i wanted to know why theyre meant to be so rubbish cause the only ones ive seen have been good dogs The ones you seen if they're good dogs thats dead on, the ones other people are talking about saying they are rubbish are fcuking rubbish then !!! What more do you want ???
  13. Look you, the threads only asking whats the deepest dig you've had, ok. You came on and said it was 13 OR 14 foot. Now unless you have a unreal set off earluggs on ye, you should know what depth on the box the dog was before you dug it. So any wonder your getting laughed at since you can't decide on how deep you dug !!!! Ohh and your calling other people ejits ?? you must be fcuking simple. Ever heard the saying think before you ink !!! : ))
  14. Chances are he doesnt. Who knows ?? Maybe he could be a nice guy. Then again thon avatar doesn't leave much to the imagination !!!! Lol i like yours , used to be some nice wall murals with that kind of theme Your view off nice might not be the same as mine though !!! I may be amused or not amused !!! Ha ha
  15. Chances are he doesnt. Who knows ?? Maybe he could be a nice guy. Then again thon avatar doesn't leave much to the imagination !!!! Lol
  16. If you have a GOOD bolting dog you don't need to dig !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's what I was told !!!!!! Ha ha ha
  17. 13 OR 14 are you sure it wasn't 13.5 ??? Sounds bullshit to me. Make your mind up will ya. Lol
  18. Enlighten us folk what your deepest dig has been to date ( without machinery ) lol. ya lads come on ha NO YOU
  19. Apart from all that other s hite talk, that's a big statement too be making Ryan ! ANYTIME ANYWHERE !!! Maybe the Russell is a good grafter but your a bit OTT with that remark. I know a few spots you wouldn't be wanting to drop him in and I'm sure you do also. So I'd leave the ANYWHERE bit out, ye know. Nearly forgot Nice dog. : ))
  20. Enlighten us folk what your deepest dig has been to date ( without machinery ) lol.
  21. With or without the aid off machinery ????
  22. That maybe the lakie in him, some have very linty coats.
  23. Bull is bred into terriers for the gameness perspective though they wouldn't be rated on there strength off nose. I've seen plenty off bull x working some decent digging dogs in the proper context. like alot some too gutsy that don't last a crack and aint what I would describe as a worker, more like a boxer that wouldn't last the twelve rounds but blows up after four if he can't get a KO. Ohh and the nose thing again.
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