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Everything posted by CallumDonohoe

  1. are yeah ive seen him on here.my pups full of herself thinks hes rocky lol
  2. cant wait until she old enough al she does at the min is hang off my other dogs ears the little brat.gaffer ur pup is quite similar nice
  3. ill get sum better pics up av just been trying to figure it out first
  4. lol ive been trying to put pics up but wont work
  5. 389891_186942848056542_100002224847411_412626_796892980_n
  6. ha madmacca thats exactly how a felt after knocking on the doorsboiling ask them nicely and all they do is slam door in your face they could atleast be polite back and u wouldnt feel as bad lol
  7. well been trying to get permission for lamping or ferreting and its impossible where i live [northumberland] been going around all the farms and get same answear NO.i think its coz am young and dont trust younger people proper sick now. wish a could get somewhere good to see what my dog is capable of
  8. which is a beta all round dog out of the two i want a bitch that will be 23inchs no bigger i already hav a 20 inch beddie whippet but really like the way saluki runs wat wud uz go 4 ? help and cant find either breed in northumberland
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