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Everything posted by GuyTierney

  1. no matter how great a shot you think you are sooner or later you will clip a target rather than hit it. Its nature sometimes they startle or a gust comes mid shot - whatever it happens to us all I know from experience that I'd rather clip a bunny's skull with a 22 than with a 177. Simple maths - 22 delivers more kinetic energy; harder punch; more margin of error. My take is that it depends if you feel guilt about it.
  2. I'm not sure there is a carbon but I have the s410k (the k I belive stands for "Carbine' (yeah I know it starts with a 'c') A short rifle or musket used by cavalry). I did the shopping comparrison a good few years ago and it was the best IMHO then and still looks quite attractive now from what I read on here. I think answers will be along the lines of - "you can't go wrong"
  3. http://www.ebay.co.u...utorefresh=true I saw this an it looks like a good buy - not too far from London either! Pony 10 Litre Dive Bottle Great Condition Due for Testing Collection only due to weight of item eny questions call 07926029972
  4. Hello all, I'm returning to shooting after a few years out due to moving into town. Am hoping to attend the local club here in Eastbourne next wednesday. If there is anyone locally that fancies a trip out (or is already a member) or anyone who just wants a buddy to shhot with; drop me a line. All the best Guy
  5. looks like mine may have the same issue. At first it wouldn't charge at all, but the cocking it before charging helped here. Then when the rifle accepted some air the gage started leaking. I'm yet to take off the stock but this thread look like it will be ultra-useful. Thanks all for sharing.
  6. same happened to mine - Cock the rifle and try charging it again. Got me a bit further although now it is charging partially I think a valve is stuck and I cant quite get it over 85lbs
  7. I found this but I'm a bit concerned about the drilling part http://youtu.be/4Srn78Pz5TA
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