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About gerallt-roberts

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  1. thanks 4 the advice, will take him soon as to see the vet. been told it could be because he was allways in his cage, basicly abandoned. ill make sure he has plenty of atention and let out of his cage as often as poss. tanks again 4 advice.
  2. he is 2 and no war wound to be seen, ill just keep an eye on him over the next week see how he does.
  3. i got a cracking working hob the other day off a mate and worked him for a few hours, bolted a few and did his job just fine. then i noticed that he had a wobly leg. theres no break or anything just the one leg seems slower than the others. anyone had a similar problem before?
  4. went ferreting for the first time yesterday and loved it. tagged allong with a bloke thats been ferreting for years so he could show me the ropes. he does pest controle and has permission on loads of land so happy days now i have a good idea of what to do cant wait to work my jill and hob!!!
  5. is looking 4 a poley male or female, round north wales.
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