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Everything posted by inthebag

  1. well young sir there are other topics to read dont let us detain you any longer than nessecary
  2. gorger owes u a few pints he,ll have u walking around belfast with 2 boards on advertising it next. :D Owes me nothing mate credit were credit is due though
  3. oh they will give you hell for saying that matey but well done be brave have you seen the lucas dog run? no but the mate seen him run and rackons hes the best hes ever seen
  4. Jm and lucas will go down as legends in the coursing world and will be mentioned with all the greats of yesteryear and rightly so
  5. JM and lucas will go down as legends in the coursing world and fairplay
  6. when people cant give a man credit on this site for having a good dog makes them sound like bitches
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