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Everything posted by teilky

  1. .222 wins for me. small amount of powder in the load if you are homeloading.good for 200 yards at roe in the head/ engine room, (mind i am in scotland) Cant fault the round heard in the old days from stalkers red hinds with the .222 . No kick, see what you hit through the scope.Lazer like! ps not got a ticket now , but thats what i remember of the my rifle. I now Shoot my mates .243 but i like the .222 better. cheers andy
  2. ok i dont know anything ! I was told some where that for example a shingsung 707 at 12 has a port dia of 1mm.Whereas a fac one has a port dia up to 5mm. thanks for keeping me right cheers andy
  4. re open licence fac law is uk wide.i know everyone in strathclyde has an open licence.it was won in a court case so should apply to england wales.Ni is different it reads like and any other land the holder has the right to use that class of firearm.Basicaly if you think the land is ok then its on the fac holders head if anything goes wrong. cheers andy
  5. i got one looking for a stock to fit i know other stocks fit from the daystate range. anyone got one ? its the silver one not the brass one! seen both stainless steel and brass versions, stainless looks better The first precharge daystate cheers andy
  6. what i used to do was look on the yellow pages for spring manufacuters go see them and get a spring any strenth you want made there and then.but if the spring is weak you can allways increase the port dia to confirm with the law or decrease what ever works
  7. If anyone wants to see how court cases go with fac/sgc appeals follow this link http://www.scotcourts.gov.uk/ and type in shotgun appeal new ones aint on the system yet but they will be use the link (finding your way)
  8. Ok i am peed off other than pixxed off!!!!!! I do not have an appeal in the courts! Ian clarck drafted my letters! I never applyed for sgc after i was refused the last time " he was sorting the insurance" I aint any lier This is the truth peps My real name is andre groves ie grovesy fae hamilton some might know me not to lie , hunting since 10/11 years old god i i wanted was to see if anyone was in the same boat as me regaurds insurance i dont like lies about me and god i better stop tying cause i ken alot (ps ian how did your appeal go?):-)
  9. i will tell yous no problem. i have been refused before, 4 times to be exact.Reasons (9 years ago a .222 rifle was stolen its was not in the cabinet silly mistake i know, going shooting taken the rifle out then was asked to go to the shop, and guess what it was stolen door kicked in ect.never was charged with anyting and gave up the cert by request of police told to reapply in a few years.That was the reasonthe first time i was refused.i have reaplied 2times since that refusal and was told wait a year ect change in circumstances ie get married lol which i now have .these previous applications
  10. Good shooting i know the 17 neck down .222 . fast very but i have seen a shot with a range finder with a 24 foot pounds bsa sten at 115 yards on rabbits but that does not matter you are out there doing it well done
  11. Hi tom, and yes i am a member.I was holding a kinda poll thing , because i was wondering why sacs insurance policy only applies in certain (ie fac sgc appeals) If i read this right One of the most common difficulties members encounter is when they apply for a firearm or shotgun certificate, or to renew their existing certificates. These problems are becoming increasingly common, as the article in this issue on licensing problems shows. Your SACS insurance includes up to £100,000 for legal expenses to cover the cost of employing expert legal assistance in appealing against a refusal o
  12. hi folks , i got a few questions for sacs members.Its a kind of poll what do you think the insurance covers you for (ie appeals) sgc/fac.Or does the insurance depend on if you been refused before, or it covers all.If you have membership of sacs i would love to hear the answer( your opition)
  13. you can apply to PHQ in your area for a humane killer if you got reason to have one.
  14. Thanks guys good info.i dont know much about mods cause when i had my rifle they would not give you one.I have read that you take the mod off to stop it eating the rifling and also spray wd 40 ect inside the mod so the next time you use it it will blow the particles out,is this true?I will post pics of this mod and rifle (its my pals) to see what yous think. thanks again andy
  15. what make give me a clue please i was looking at an extrema 2 from bretta but in the uk its over a grand
  16. hi there , i was wondering what the difference is between the t4 and the t8 mod for centerfire rifles.i am guessing that it is the number of baffels ie rings in the mod.my pal has a pes but its long ,i recon a t8.its on a .243 is that over kill for that rifle?Also has anyone used the escort semi auto shotguns looking at them wheni get my licence back. thanks alot andy
  17. sorry i aint making sence what i mean is if you have an fac then you are approved.So you can have what you want if you have reason to .
  18. i dont know what to say.it aint a game.i lost a rifle 7 year ago ie theft.you can have what you want only if your ground ie farmer says you can .pitt street can only follow the law..357 is the max for a rifle in scotland if you can or for that matter uk. go for it
  19. dont know where you are in the uk but sacs in scotland is minted.fight like hell for everyone.not like basc used to be a member of basc.done zero for me aswell
  20. .222 rem cant go wrong with it.Low recoil see what you hit it in the scope and very accurate.Just my view thats all. andy. ps .17 is a necked down .222 good gun as long as there is no wind at all. cheers andy
  21. my names andy . new here any offence anyone has done can be spent ie forgoten check this link http://www.lawontheweb.co.uk/rehabact.htm
  22. my real name is andy , i have a rhodesian ridgeback x (3/4greyhound 1/4 collie out of handcocks old lines).2 rhodesian ridgebacks and the 3/4bred called teilk who was the stud of the above cross. Love shooting fishing running dogs ect
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