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Everything posted by Fredd

  2. the lad l got the dog off was in a bad way for money put it this way i am happy to give 700 cas no money would take a worker out of my yard a worker u can buy any amount of jackers but workers are few and far between and for the record ther no clown here
  3. right i keep black dogs it not that l dont have dogs around me l wanted a lakeland for a year or so l rang the lad l got him off he told me to try so i went again today and dug him a 1.6, the dog did 4 hrs and 2 in front of him, no bothers, was happy out, was right on top of him so as regards sore yesterday the dog had no marks on him yesterday but he is sore today.rang the lad said that l was very happy with the way the dog went today and the reply was lev him and try him again in two weeks happy
  4. goin 2moro two a spot wher game is well tested just for my peace for mind
  5. no he would be off him 3 ft when he could here me he pushed right up
  6. the dog did 6 hours in all it tuck 4 hours to get the dog to setel and two to get him out he was off it game about 3 ft 700 note is 700 note
  7. was out 2day with him dug one got a mark at 1.2 then ther was a move got him at 1.5 then a move again dug him then at 2.mts tuck 4 hours two get him at the pot
  8. hi all have a dog here that l got on trial how many times would u dig to it to say u wher happy two hand over your money would 2 or 3 times be fair ??
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