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Everything posted by Rainmaker

  1. Been there, done that, got the lopsided mohawk...
  2. Rob, you might find the info I posted for you above interesting. If you read the rawfed.com myths page as suggested, one of them is about this very topic. See HERE. At the end of the day you have to use common sense. Yes the little sod challenged you (food guarding) and yes you needed to correct that behaviour. But think about it mate. How many lads on here are feeding raw, and have done for donkey's years without incident? Actually the fact you DON'T feed raw is what caused the incident, if anything. The dog isn't used to 'real' food, and as soon as he had a chance of some crafty rawness
  3. Holy... Thank you SO much guys. I was literally going round the bend looking for it last night... The mrs was even coming out with such things as "You sure you hadn't been drinking, love?" :black eye: lol I owe you one guys, thanks again
  4. Virtually all bones are fine - perfect, in fact - when raw. Conversely, it's safe to say all are potentially lethal when cooked as they splinter and shatter - some more than others though. About the only raw bones to avoid are heavy weight bearing bones, especially those of ungulates (cows etc). They're just too dense and, especially when cut down in size like knuckle bones or maybe sawn in half lengthways, can snap dogs' teeth fairly easily as they act like a fulcrum! Avoid all cooked bones, period. Feed it raw and on the bone, in big pieces so he has to chew and tear at his food. Ideally
  5. It's late, and I'm starting to pull my hair out. I was telling the Mrs about a thread, which I'm sure was on here, showing a US-made dog kennel. Basically the main body of the kennel is buried underground to stabilise temperatures year round, and there's a small square above-ground entrance. There were jokey replies about the thing becoming a submarine in the rain, but can I heck as like find that thread to show her the pictures? It's not even that important, the fact I can't find it is more the issue than the kennel itself, it's doing my head in now... I've gone back 30 pages in General Talk,
  6. I've always just given them a good brush off until clean, polished if necessary and then (most importantly) a good rub with quality dubbin to treat and waterproof the leather. You don't need to do it too often, just make sure the leather is nice and dry before you start, and that you use a good boot brush to apply the gear before buffing to a shine with a soft cloth at the end. It ain't rocket science.
  7. Here's a first cross Saluki / Bull I found on the interwebs. Maybe there's a reason they use greyhounds?
  8. Say n'more... "Scotland? Independent? Funny you should say that, because I'm Scottish really if you think about it!..."
  9. Cão de Fila de São Miguel / Azores Cattle Dog? Excellent farm dogs, and not something you'd want to bump into when looking to raid a place let me tell you!... Christ please don't let them become popular over here. Too many ruined dogs already, tbh. This one belongs to a friend of a friend on the islands and can more than hold his own.
  10. I've been wondering about this for a while now, as they don't seem to have anything on their policy pages about it. Along with rumours of being 'in bed' with the arsepca, I was starting to wonder... As it turns out they DO explain their stance quite clearly on their Land & People sub-site. Although not directly in favour of hunting per se, neither are they anti. In fact I found their views quite balanced, considering: Sorry if it's been brought up before, but in recent threads the possibility of the BNP being anti was bandied about but nobody seemed to know for sure. I thought thi
  11. Still some left due to time wasters. £150 each to the right homes.
  12. Cheers mate Three left now...
  13. Cheers John, I didn't get a reply notification so I'm sorry I didn't say so earlier! Here's some updated pics as promised ... Cheers
  14. Good timing on this thread As of this week, I have 3 veil tails (VT), 3 plakats (PK) and two vt females. They are Cambodian, green, blue and red in varying degrees, and I also have a turquoise. I'm currently sourcing some proper 5* PKs from Thailand too This little guy is also on order (waiting for a nip in his dorsal fin to heal before I get him): And one that arrived today: I'm checking out some females as we speak also, but will probably save the cash back for decent 5* PKs (both sexes).
  15. All the best Martin mate. Don't sweat it, and get well soon! Make sure you get yourself back on here ASAP to let us all know how you got on. Oh, and give the nurses hell for us, man!
  16. LOL Dolphins certainly are NOT the only mammals to have sex for pleasure. I'd have thought countrymen like yourselves would all have known that. Also, Karl, there's another species of ape - also mammals of course - to have sex for pleasure. Can you guess which one? :kiss:
  17. Bloody hell that's rough! I'd be making a complaint to his Inspector and THEN to the Professional Standards Unit or whatever they're called. The latter are bloody ruthless by all accounts (similar to the American's Internal Affairs) and like a bit of Bobby blood when they can get it lol... So I heard anyway. Worth a try mate. Push for your mate's cash back and tell them you want compo for your trouble (your mate incurred expenses in fuel and time to pick you up etc which is a real loss). Take legal advice as was said above. Good luck
  18. Aye, but according to this morning's paper there was a bit more to it than that! Apparently for whatever reason an argument started, so the teacher apparently picked up a metal weight and caved the lad's head in. He's on the critical list, and two other kids who apparently sprung to the lad's defence also got smacked with the metal weight for their troubles, but are basically unhurt. Now, I'm sure there's more detail to come to light, but you have to admit that the fact a boy is in hospital at death's door, albeit stabilising, and the 50 year old teacher who caved his head in with a h
  19. Well doesn't that ad just say it all? Hubbs' mrs spends the afternoon on here (I still wonder how well that went down when he got in lol), Hubbs himself isn't seen since... Yet, it's not about the money, oh no. They don't take bullterrier up on his offer of a guaranteed good home for £50 because they're KEEPING him you see?... Yet lo and behold, here's the ad. £200. Nuff said.
  20. Modest as well...
  21. Bloody hell there's a strong family resemblance there Nice vid mate. That looks like the 'recycling centre' near us... Looks good sport at any rate!
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