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Everything posted by Rainmaker

  1. Fancy words or not, fact is fact. You say you believe you're right. What makes you believe this? Have you observed wild wolves? Tracked and recorded their activities for a couple of decades? Seen a wild one at all, ever?? If not, what are you basing this belief on? Seriously, that's an important question. What I stated was NOT based simply on one man's studies (Dr Mech's), but rather on a HUGE body of evidence. Mech was simply a quick one to quote and he HAS based it all on decades of actual in the wild research. I'm sorry my friend, but it's laughable to introduce the diet of e
  2. Tell me you're not serious? With respect, do you really know that little? If that's what you truly believe, and don't want to learn any different, I can't find anything further to say :wacko:
  3. you do need veg but green tripe will provide enough veg for yer dog , as long as its fresh and not washed , and whare will you get this kinda tripe nowadays ? i dont know , i know about 40 folks who work in a slaughter house and can they get green tripe out ! can they f**k , so if you can get yer hands on that stuff yer lucky and its probly shady and no doubt not to be trusted , this is just my op , ive always wonderd when feeding barf instead of puting veg in would i get off with a wee drop of cow shit or sheep shit ? afterall the b***%*d dogs always eat this stuff when out working ,
  4. Pork certainly carries a large amount of fat (one of the highest amongst the usual mammalian meats). But that said, fat does not affect dogs the way it does humans. It certainly won't clog their arteries, and in fact fat provides more than twice the calorific density compared with protein and carbohydrates. In other words, a gram of fat provides the same or more energy than 2g carbs or 2g protein. Dogs are designed to utilise fats as a primary energy source. Check out a book such as Small Animal Clinical Nutrition for a good breakdown of the digestive process. Cheers, Lee
  5. Worms are in the environment anyway, and a regular prophylactic schedule of worming will prevent any infestation. By band worms do you mean tape worms? I understand that English is not your primary language, and so this is not a dig but a genuine question. As for raw pork bones splintering "hard" - even puppies can and will handle raw pork bones (ribs and tails being especially good). I don't understand where you got this concept from? If Aujeszky's is a serious issue in your part of the world by all means avoid pork, I stated this earlier. If pork reared and intended for human cons
  6. Carra - at least two people had already mentioned the benefits of feeding good raw fat before your "rant". Myself and phil for sure. Did you read the entire thread? As for tripe, it may be acidic, but so is the dog's stomach environment. The acidophilus bacterium found in tripe live in this environment and pass on to dogs beneficial enzymes (protein precursors) and bacteria. Furthermore, the Ca:P ratio in fresh green tripe is just perfect. That doesn't take away the importance of feeding heart in the diet, especially as it's a vital source of taurine and other amino acids, which re
  7. Fair play Ditch, just make sure you throw them a couple of big RMBs a week to keep them teeth clean. There's nowt like minced food to stick to the teeth and cause plaque/tartar buildup = periodontal disease. Don't bother discarding the fat mate. As Phil was alluding to, it's the best source of energy intake for a dog and does no harm at all. Hard working dogs (eg huskies) will take 60%+ raw fat into their diet to perform properly. Raw fat is GOOD for dogs, and has no negative consequences on the cardiovascular system as it would in humans. Regarding veggies. I KNOW this comes up all
  8. LOL Yous are all getting ripped off, shop around Except for occasionally getting "caught short" and buying some chicken thigh quarters etc from tesco, I get all my dog and ferret food for free. Breast of lamb, chicken backs, lamb necks, pigs ears/tails/trotters, rib racks (beef/pork), beef/ox pork and lamb hearts, lights (lungs/trachea) etc etc. The only thing I actually buy occasionally is tripe - about 20p/lb. Just ask around until you find a sympathetic butcher, then try the slaughter houses and major catering warehouses. They throw out IBCs full of useable RMBs, there for th
  9. bigbird, tell us more about this advocate stuff - I've never heard of it? I've been using StrongHold. It's not much cheaper than the advocate stuff, and only lasts one month. StrongHold works on ear mites, mange mites, fleas, worms but not ticks. Never heard of the other stuff, it's cheaper AND kills more nasties by the sounds of it? I know about Advantage, is that the stuff you meant? Still didn't know it did ticks as well? What's the craic?
  10. Cool, have signed up. I don't mind filling shit into a form for cash LOL
  11. A bitch will usually bleed for her entire season/oestrus. The confusion about "stopping" bleeding probably comes from her fertile window. Around 10 to 14 days into the cycle, the discharge becomes pale straw coloured instead of bloody, and this is the best time to mate the bitch. After that the colour usually returns (though not as pronounced) until the cycle is over. Every bitch is different, mind.
  12. I missed that, gutted! Is it online anywhere? This reminds me of a convo I had with an older lady I know. She knows I hunt but never mentions it, fair play. One day it came up and she said in passing "oh I think it's terribly cruel, no no I love to feed the pigeons etc..." I pointed out that she ate more meat than a T-rex. "Oh yes dear, but only ever RSPCA freedom food!" I explained just what Freedom Food farms were (or could be) like, and that at least wild game has an entire life roaming free eating nature's bounty etc etc, and that they were eventually harvested in double quic
  13. Rainmaker


    Amen to that "sniffer"... :11:
  14. Rainmaker


    So is that your way of fessing up then or do you wish you'd worded that differently, or what?
  15. Good on that man It's certainly a novel way to raise money for charity I'll give him that - but the best part of a grand (final bid + logged donations) to a children's intensive support unit, all credit to him
  16. hahaha That's class, that martyn I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when the 30yrs young bloke's mum came in for a quiet word with your mate pmsl As for thundercats, they rocked my world. That and dungeons & dragons. Transformers was quite good for a while as well
  17. Moll, might I suggest you read Raw Meaty Bones - Promote Health, by Dr Tom Lonsdale. Alternatively you can download his latest book (Work Wonders, Feed Raw Meaty Bones) for free at www.rawmeatybones.com The RMBs-Promote Health book is hundreds of pages of pure, INDEPENDENT scientific research. Well except the research included which was carried out by the pet food manufacturers, which believe it or not actually agrees with the rest - kibble causes cancer, periodontal disease, organ failure, auto-immune diseases and early death - and therefore not only makes a dog's (or cats, or ferrets)
  18. My dogs eat the same they did the last six times this question was asked :11: Seriously though, I feed raw - whole where possible. Aside from game they get RMBs (raw meaty bones), tripe, chicken quarters (whole chicken when on offer), whole fish, lamb necks, pig tails & trotters, and so on. rozesky, just a heads up - Chudley's is packed with carcinogenic chemicals like BHA, BHT and ethoxyquin. If you're going to feed kibble you won't hear a lecture coming from me, but best to use one not preserved with chemicals proven to cause cancer imho Later guys
  19. I'm 6'5" and 19st, how do I put weight on lads? :whistle: Just started boxing again, today. Feckin half-killed myself (and that was taking it easy!). Haven't hardly shifted my arse for ten years (kidney ops etc), time I got fit again I used to fight on the England full contact open styles championships and was a karate black belt, did ABA boxing, jeet kune do and muay thai kickboxing. Now I do McDonalds, Burger King, country shows and even mooching knackers me out (still do it tho ). I bet it's gonna be a year before I'm back in shape (well unless you count round as a shape :
  20. Hi lads, Anyone know when the Astley & Tilsley show is? It was a little cracker last year, my mate won champion russell I believe some flyers were handed out at Tabley but we must have missed them. Cheers, Lee
  21. sorry but didn't hitler order the death of many many children? i reckon we should just chop their b£$locks off! ...with a rusty razor... before we shoot the b@$tard$ :sick: :realmad:
  22. No mate, not touched the pup. That's all the dogs I have in the world Hopefully it'll blow over but I get the feeling I'm in for a long watch. Still I didn't do owt illegal even post ***, so I'm fine Cheers for all the PMs and support lads, will get back to any not answered soon. Me and the mrs need a chill, been at this all day one way or the other. Take it easy and remember loose lips sink ships.
  23. :realmad: :realmad: :realmad: :realmad: Dirty filthy f****n grasses. I know who done it an all... Knocked the bloody door in with a warrant for ALLEGEDLY digging the big boys courtesy of my mates ex wife. Not guilty officer :realmad: Be warned. I don't post anything of consequence on here but it still bites you in the ass. They knew enough. Luckily I'm not thick and haven't got owt dodgy around the place, but the mrs and three young kids aint impressed and neither am I. Anyone wanting to be forewarned and forearmed, PM me. YIS Rainmaker/Lee
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