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Everything posted by Rainmaker

  1. Come on lads, surely someone can help? She's even offering you fuel money and a butty chucked in - wish I lived closer LB I'd help you out
  2. Brummy did you skip a couple of posts mate? This thread's about Colonel David Hancock, the writer. NOT Dave Hancock the lurcher breeder :thumbs-up: Ditch, I've read a few of his books (including the booklet-type "Old Farm Dogs" and "Old Working Dogs" (or whatever they were called lol) - interesting reads, and he does at least champion the working dog so fair play to the man
  3. Some witty replies there lads n lasses.
  4. Na, too old for me mate. Besides, once her mam said she'd had you, well it put me right f****n off didn't it!
  5. The Older Woman... I pulled an older woman at a club last night. She was all right for 57. We drank a bit, had a bit of a snog and she asked if I'd ever had the Sportsman's Double: a mother and daughter threesome? I said: "No I haven't as it happens..." So we drank a bit more and then she says to me that "tonight was my lucky night then". I finished my drink quickly and went back to her house.......she put the hall light on and shouted upstairs... "Mum!....you awake ?
  6. Here are a couple of the clean ones from my "funnies" folder: New Aussie Immigration Policy: Break Time at the Nike Factory: Hmm... An Early Starter!!!!...
  7. Passing it over raised wallpaper, artex, indeed anything not smooth, tends to work as well. I suppose there will be brand variations though. Used properly they're a top tool. Keep an eye on them though, I had one go faulty and burn a hole in my bull's neck (not that she complained, I only found it later in the day). Best to try other methods first imho, such as addressing the reason the dog's barking/whining in the first place rather than just addressing the symptoms (i.e. noise). Good luck
  8. I said CAN not SHOULD. Canines, as carnivores, are physiologically adapted to going hungry for relatively long periods, and can manage >8 weeks without food. MANAGE, not THRIVE. Are you not happy with the reply because you know this fact to be untrue? Elaborate. At no point did I say that they SHOULD go without food for this long. As should be apparent to anyone reading my post, I was indicating that a couple of days without feed won't do any harm, so long as the dog is otherwise well. Hell most raw feeders miss a day or two a week anyway to give the digestive system time to rest.
  9. Dogs can go a couple of months without food mate, so don't panic unduly. That said, for a young un to all but refuse food for five days is a bit concerning. Is she acting ill in any other way? Still passing faeces? Drinking? If you're worried or the dog seems ill, down the vets wouldn't hurt (except yer pocket anyway lol). Cheers.
  10. Hi folks, Interesting replies as always Can I just clarify a couple of things: 1) The guy takes all his dogs out at the same time, and if it walks up he'll run it. If he finds a hole, he'll put a little 'un in it. Not my cup of tea at all (to be clear - they were all his dogs!) but alas. 2) Please don't mistake HIS modus operandi for mine. I wouldn't be posting this at all if I thought the guy showed even half an ounce of sense, or if I didn't know he was full of trouble. I was simply left wondering whether I was the only "poofter" scared of cattle and with enough brain not
  11. Terrier man, there's walking THROUGH a field, and then there's lamping AT cattle at night! LOL Glad to hear it's not just me that thinks its bonkers anyway. Like I said, stock by day doesn't hold problems for me. But under the scenarios in my OP? I don't mind holding my hand up and admitting my arse twitched - a lot!
  12. Alright folks? As the subject line says. I don't mind amenable cows by day, or horses, sheep and all manner of stock. But something of the caveman inside me says it's bad news crossing huge fields full of large unpredictable stock at night. In other words, it scares the living daylights out of me! My mate on the other hand has no qualms, and thinks I'm just a little bit poofty Take this for example: He'll quite happily cross fields containing all but wild horses in the dead of night, zero lighting, with the dogs. When (and it is when) they stampede around and get generally ag
  13. Try the classifieds at the bottom of the board mate.
  14. Sounds like a grand innings to me Ditch, nice tribute. One for Uncle Fred
  15. FWIW, here's a reply I added to another forum on the topic of diet which has a few resources you can hopefully use. It's quite long so if you're not after something like this skip to the end and read the two books (now freely available): Hope you find some use in there mate
  16. I can't believe you're asking "IS it a bloke with tits?" You should be able to tell the difference mate! Why you asking? Been there and starting to worry? JK mate
  17. So long as it hasn't been left frozen for an age, and probably also covered in freezer burn, frozen food is fine. Look at human food - "frozen from fresh to preserve nutrients/vitamins/minerals" is a major selling point. As for defrosting, you can feed whole RMBs still frozen with no problems (not "sticky" frozen, but a quick rinse and serve is fine - just like ice cream). Mince, offal et al. will obviously have to be defrosted; in which case put it in the fridge or a very cool room overnight. In winter I prefer to serve food blood-warm (i.e. freshly killed) where possible. Any
  18. Ferretlove, if System Restore hasn't worked before there's no point using it to reinstall the drive after removing it. Actually, although you don't actually NEED to know this, what you've done is uninstall it then UN-uninstall it (rather than RE-install it). What you need to do matey, is follow my advice as above to remove the drive, then do NOT use system restore. Just restart your PC and as I said above Windows will AUTOMATICALLY reinstall the drive FOR YOU. Nothing else need be done. Trust me If that doesn't work we'll look at reinstalling you Primary and Secondary IDE Ch
  19. I agree i much prefer Stronghold, its just you cannot just buy it online as you can with Frontline...ill look into the free prescription thing Stronghold is also better for dogs who get wet/damp frequently. With Frontline your dog has to have been dry for 2 days prior ond 2 after (5 in total) for it to work, dont know about anyone else but my mob are wet almost every day. MOLL. Hi Moll, For a V-POM, the vet WILL need to have seen the dog within a certain time period (the last 6 months or possibly 12 months iirc) to be able to provide a prescription sight-unseen. Howeve
  20. Hiya, Is it just CDs needing Acrobat Reader that don't autoplay? Do DVDs autoplay? If it's just the Acrobat ones, try reinstalling the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader which you can download for free here. If that doesn't work after rebooting, right click My Computer on your desktop, choose Properties, then the Hardware tab, then click Device Manager. In the list find your DVD/CD-ROM drive and right click it. Choose UNINSTALL. When it completes reboot STRAIGHT AWAY and Windows will reinstall the drive with fresh drivers. Hopefully that should sort it out
  21. I use Stronghold, personally. Every couple of years I change to Frontline for a year and then back again just to keep the beggars on their toes. It will take a while to eradicate them completely as you're trying to break their life-cycle not kill them all in 24 hours. Any flea jumping on the dogs after treatment will die (hopefully before they lay any more eggs)... eventually all the fleas will die out as they are poisoned before they are mature enough to lay. It does take a little while, and as Moll said you'd do best to hoover and clean like you never did before (OCD or not ).
  22. Brock, just an extra post in case you saw my original edit and are waiting for a new email reply notification before you re-check the thread. Sorry for the confusion fella, the stuff you need IS in the file I posted. HTH, Cheers, Lee
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