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Everything posted by PoppythebeaglE

  1. My friend offered to take me out stalking one day, but i do not own a firearms certificate. It is on land where he has the farmers permission but I was wondering whether i would need to apply for a firearms certificate before i go? Any help much appreciated, cheers.
  2. yeah i know it doesnt pay too well but would rarther do it over a paper round anyday
  3. I'm a 15yo who lives near whitby in north yorkshire and like everybody in need of extra money. if anyone knows anything about any jobs beating please could you help. thanks for reading this thread and any help would be much appreciated.
  4. What is the ideal weight for a 1 and a bit year old beagle bitch who stands about 12" for rabbit and hare hunting? thanks any help would be usefull as its my first dog and want to do the best i can with her.
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