Looks better than the one ive attempeted youcanthidebang , gone from the red squre stuff to black dankung tube, already put together, cant get the hang of the constrictor knot lol
Been using double theraband gold for a while now but fancy using different bands. Bought some red squre elaastic but how do i fix elastic to the pouch? Im using waxed twine but i just make a mess. Going to be using tabs aswell same apllys fixing to tabs. Should i use a special knot ??
Got some antle so having a go at making something fancy
Went out with the air rifle tonight, got a pigeon. Got home took breasts out washed and put in the pan with a little butter, had the last bit of my home made soup whilst breasts were frying nicely.
Scrounged some free range eggs the other day so cracked an egg into the pan .
So in 20 min had localy grown vegetable soup pigeon beasts and an egg ? not alot but just enough. Best part cost just the price of the veg ..
Nowt wrong with that pal, i made mine out of a cherry tree branch , soaked in boiled linsed oil couple of times, put bands on off i went, ive only been using a catapult since about december. Had 3 pigeons now...
Ive bought one off ebay then made my own, getting kills with the natural one.. I fancy a ttf as im a sideshooter if thats what you call it.. Let us know how you get on ruggers.
When for a mooch about with me old man after work today , resulting in a woody about 15 yards away.. 12mm ball bearing straight the neck. Its in the pan now as im writing this.
Put in wrong section , anyway couldnt get a clear shot at a rabbit so had a wander near the trees and spotted a few woodies managed to bag one and back to the van just before the rain . ? Beats staying in . Atb
its blowing a gale here, but im sat in the house bored as fook... so im off out for an hour , wont shoot anything sat in the house.. lamp on charge, rifle charged .