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Everything posted by smokie

  1. you can get slip leads and slip collars but they have an habit of failing , you cant beat 6mm rope. does he have purse nets or even a long net or even a good spade
  2. where do we start, you can try the new lamp and battery pack from light force, or upgrade his locaitor and collars if needed, and even check if his hunting clothing is well over due for renewal, or even a simple christmas card with the words written inside " you can go huntting as often as you like merry christmas". i think i can speak on behalf of all hunters that if we recieve any of the above i think all our christmases have come at once.
  3. how do you transfer pics from my pic document into my profile
  4. i enjoy walking with my terrier and shotgun, do you know of any where up in the oxford area? ( i bet no one has asked this question before ha!)
  5. sorry to hear about the dog, it happened to me a few years back, but i was incharge of my mates whipet, when it pulled of its coller at a gate way and ran onto the road. its sods law when it happens to your own working dog, and yet you can drive around any estate and see stray dogs running in and out of traffiic unscaved. anyway i echo other comments that you cant beat having your own pup watching it growup, spot its first rabbit, chase and miss his first rabbit,then chase and catch his first rabbit. its a magic feeling and worth all the hard work.
  6. thank you guys for the welcome,a little late in replying as i use my office computer. and to answer your question bunny, im from pontypool.
  7. Thank you, and thanks for the advice.
  8. hello all i have just signed up to this forum, and i would like to introduce my self. ive been hunting since i was about 5-6 and now i am 40,i use ferrets,terrers,lurcher and shotgun.i also enjoy my fishing being sea and game. looking forward to topics to disscuss. regards smokie
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