Well I couldn't resist I just had to scope the MFR up and start using it it looked all sad sitting there I managed to bag these to squirrels around 20 to 30 yards, the mfr is amazing to shoot and I'm over the moon with it can't wait for the next trip out
Well the .177 has a flatter trajectory than the .22 , the .177 is dosnt have less power than the .22 I personally like the .177 and iv just got a theoben mfr in .177
Well the girlfriend has treated me for Christmas and bought me a theoben mfr in .177 absolutely brilliant rifle, it has a custom adjustable cheek pease which is a bonus, only down side is that I'm not aloud if till Christmas haha here's a few pics
Thanks for the info daz, think I may be getting a mk2 in the next week or so as a Christmas present from the girlfriend, iv been offered the S type so not to sure which one to get, out of the two which one would you have or says the best