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Paul in North Lincs

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Everything posted by Paul in North Lincs

  1. while in an country park many moons ago walking the dogs by lamp light in the early hours, I chanced upon Keith Chegwin, slumped on a park bench, wearing a track suit head band, and sporting half a bottle of bells whisky...pissed as a newt - half consious and dribbling incohernatly......Being the good citizen that i am, I relieved him of the whisky, but it was open, and unfortunately 'came to rest' all in his lap....just looked like he'd pee'd himself :whistling: ...
  2. YOUR VET SOUND LIKE A TIT!!!. There are not many vets I know that wouldnt entertain a small payment plan, unless he's been ripped before. Its a sad state of affairs when the well being of a dog comes second to monetary gain. My vets are brilliant. I have had times when Ive been 'financially embarrased' and had a dog thats needed urgent treatment. Most are happy to take 20-30 dabs a week till the bills paid!!!! - This dude should even be practicing! He certainly wouldnt get any busimness form me and my friends...infact i'd camp outside his front door and tell everyone that came!!!
  3. he's a topper mate,if hes as good at his job as he looks,,good on ye mate Me and compliments dont part company very often - but that my man, is an incredible looking animal.
  4. heres mine........................he's about 15 months now 26tts, and showing promise. Really pleased with him. A cracking ferreting dog, and learning the ropes on the lamp having accounted for a good few, but currnetly recovering from a nasty leg injury. That aside, I extremely happy with where he's at for his age. Still very puppyish though!!!!
  5. no, but will swap him for a wrap of Billy, and a bottle diomand white innit
  6. ......... ............psml 2 serious buyers have already pm'd me, asking for photo's W.T.F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. I know how you feel mate............. had my 14 month pup laid up for a month after a serious cut to the leg and main artery... Was just starting to catch regularly after a slow start and the need for loads of training on the strike....... he just got the knack. He got injured, and is now running and turning like an ametur again. Im just hammering the ball work to get him used to gettin his head down again. i guess he's still abit tight on that leg. But its fustrating I know. He went from running 30 - 40 long distance balls to 7 then lying down!!!!! Just starting to get back upto double fi
  8. For sale, In Liverpool 3/4 Great Dane 1/4 Bull through no fault of his own. Hard as nails will do all native British mammals including red deer stags single handed (pre ban)- even on Sundays. Real racey with a massive nut like a dumper truck. Bred out of The Scouse Fundamentalist Bin-Dealing (Dam) and Bin-Theivin (sire), (gg sire of Bin-snortin) and full litter brother to the scouse miracle dog 'Bin-Working', who funnily hasn't been seen or heard from in some while now. This is a genuine honest posts lads, if I didnt need that new nike shell suit and N-Dubz CD he'ds have a home with me
  9. We stop when the veg gets too high.....and it gets too hot to run the dogs. But we deal with pest control on serveral estates so got to keep at em, or someone else will!
  10. Hi bud. It would be the same price - £25 including p&p. (i would need to the see the picture first though) I generally draw first, send a copy for approval, then collect payment once the buyer is happier, and not before! Cheers Paul
  11. I have a few spare drawings for sale if anyone is interested. These are only photos of the originals and don't show the detail in much clarity. If you wanted to pm me your mobby numbers I can txt a clearer image for you to look at. They are originals, done in coffee and pencil on A3 paper and are not prints. I can also undertake certain individual portaits if needed(but consultation required beforehand) Should you want to ask any members I have done work for their opinions you can by all means pm Terriermaid, chester or Bigboy, to name but a few These ones are £25 each including posta
  12. I'l buy the nets for £10 plus p&p if your are interested??
  13. Heres another one that I finished today..... for those that showed interest in my other scetches. Cheers Paul
  14. I have posted up a few scetches of working lurchers over the last week or so, and never thought of showing the terrier enthuiasts, a couple of pictures. Here they are if anyone is interested..... done in pencil and coffee
  15. I appreciate that no one is perfect...and I include myself in that. But I wish that some would have the apptidude and maturity to see the bigger picture.....as apposed to feeling the need 'openly' defend certain activities that may come under scrutiny by those who strive to discredit our interest in general. Its not about not 'reading if you dont want', nor bickering or arguing for arguments sake. Most of the points are valid, and for the benift of the marjority, if we would but recognise it.
  16. I think the issue is more the fact that 'names dropping' could easily bring it on top, for certain people who 'may' wish to remain annonemous for obvious reasons.. There are all manner of people scrolling this site, sometimes for more sinister reasons than the enjoyment of hunting with dogs! A bit of descretion on certain issues is required. Is is not dampening the right to speak openly, but as the old saying goes....Loose lips sink ships. And you dont have to be a Philladelphia Laywer to work out who is where, when locations and names are used.
  17. nice clean rabbits them buddy..............well done. We've nicely thawed out, but my dogs nursing a nasty leg injury........cannot get out
  18. well done..its great when it all comes together...sounds like a useful cross aswell
  19. anyone whos got a geniune interest in working dogs mate - for a small commission of course!. To be honest, I've only started doing them recently.
  20. ............sorry folks, here's another one. Ryan - heres you picture as discussed, please pm me with your views. many thanks Paul
  21. Thanks alot. I must be honest, the quality, and detail is diminshed ny about 60% on here in relation to the original.... I just dont have a scanner...an wouldn't know what to do with one if I had!!! lol
  22. Hi Chester, I have tried to pm you but I'm unable to open up a diologue box for some strange reason. Anyhow here is the painting I've done for you as discussed. As with others, it only a picture taken with a digi camera, and dosn't really do the picture that much justice to be fair, for obvious reasons. Please pm me or emial on dove_releases@yahoo.co.uk with your comments. p.s I have a better image on my mobile if you want to pm me you mobby number. All the best bud Paul
  23. Here's the new picture that I've done for you Terriermaid. Sorry for putting it up here in topics, but I didn't know how to attach the same to a pm!!!....... I must say that it is better than the orinal one, but done in the same media, using pencil and coffee, naturally its only a photo taken with my digi camera, and dosnt do it justice really. For anyone who is interested these are actually terriermaids dogs that features in a recent photo in CMW......i have only replicated the same by hand on A3 paper using my own techniques. Thanks
  24. Had a freak accident in the kennel, which nearly cost a dog its life! Perhaps this could serve as fair warning to others. A couple of days ago I put the dog in kennel whilst we went out for an hour or two visiting family. Gave him fresh water and food and said cherrio. Came back a couple of hours later, approached kennel with dog bounding about keen to see me. With that, the water bowl went over with a clatter, followed by a yelp,and a crimson tidal wave! In those 2 hours the water had frozen to about 5 mil, and cut my dogs back leg like a scaple casing a massive cut on the back le
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