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Paul in North Lincs

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Everything posted by Paul in North Lincs

  1. ........here they are now...growing fast...little beauties!!!!
  2. .....looking well mate ...what ever happened to the black-un you were bringing on last year?
  3. ..........run with 50mg of d-bol for the first 4 weeks.......finished off with 2 mil of viramone or trembalone and a shot of Stanzonol a day for the last 2 weeks. lmao
  4. ....good luck......... i reocn you'll need it at £15 a go!
  5. always teach em to jump..... I struggle to get my ow fat arse over a fence never mind carrying a dog over one aswell!!!!!........
  6. Breeding is not an exact science - but certainly good genes to good ups the chances.... More to the point, its how the pups are entered and brought on...... pups out of proven workers mean nothing if the nurturing and training is arse about face..
  7. I think you pretty much answered the question yourself bud..... I think the reason we dont see this variety is because its more adapt to prancing around the show ring.....not only that...its got a hell of alot of hair!!!!! lol
  8. hmmmmmmm............. dont drive a porche if can only afford a push bike. I've been often 'finanially challenged'in the past....but I've begged borrowed and stole to get my dogs squared up. They do the businness for you....The least they deserve is care when things go wrong...... pet insurance is only a few quid a week
  9. bloody hell, thats a ringer for my minshaw bitch I owned the bridle on this picture which is litter sister to the black bitch there, owned by my cousin. Sadly pikeys had mine away last summer but the black bitch as mentioned in another post is undoubtedly one of the best little bitches I ever seen working, and does exactly what it says on the tin......a serious little f****r by anyones standards!!!
  10. bit of all sorts in her ...bred out of minshaw lines, she belongs to my cousin, and is a belter
  11. notr withstanding the first couple of seasons whilst learning, a tried and tested dog in my opinion should have at least 5-6 years on its back, doing what is expected from it on a regular basis, whether that be ferreting, lamping or single handed work....... - have only ever seen one bitch that did 'everything'and has been properly tried tested on everything.....and does it regularly. Needless to say..... it is not mine unfortunatley!!!
  12. They are crackers rob. I have seen both the sire and dam work regularly over the the last 5 years, the sire being the best catch dog I have ever seen by far, and the dam a proven single handed bitch, who is equally happy ferreting and lamping rabbits. Good luck shifting mate, they will serious dogs in the right hands...... Im just working on the wife as i speak!!!!
  13. it sounds like the dog has had too many misses / runs on rabbits he hasnt been able catch and subsequently runs them to a hedge, half expecting them to get away. Either that or he's had a bang hitting cover and its put him off. I would build his confidence up slowly......leave off rabbits for a few weeks then give him some very easy droppers
  14. I've heard that mearles carry a reccessive gene that causes eye defects..............Im no expert though
  15. cracking looking bitch - I supose what I put over it would depend on what I wanted a pup for, and indeed if the bitch was proven. .........Saying that, I recon a 3/4 grey 1/4 collie would do the bizz for me. Personally though I think 22 month is perhaps a wee bit young for a litter...I would need to see a couple of more seasons under her bealt before I decided to breed
  16. there seems to be no logic in this IMO. What is is argument? Granted breeding in not an exact science, but who wants a pup from an untried dog????.............. the dogs home will love em though
  18. here's Lady, the part minshaw bitch that was stolen last year from my kennels last year, and subsquently escaped from her capters..........eneded up in a dog pound 200 miles and was p.t.s after no one claimed her....found her a week too late...sadly missed - She was a cracker
  19. I once took someone on one of my permissions out of the goodness of my heart. The chap was new to the area and didnt have any permission..........I went away on holiday an when I returned that farmer told me that 'my brother' had been on in my absence!!!!! Cheeky Berstard - what a cockaroon! Needless to say I had a oe sided conversation with him and burst his pumkin with the farmer....sometimes though its inevitable.....On another permission I do the rabbit control for the 'tenant' of teh land using ferrets and dog - no guns aloud. Another chap who knows the farmer is aloud to shoot on the
  20. lovely looking dog, and in fine fettle!............. there is no exact size in any breed of any animal, only average heights and builds......could be a genetic throw back from many many years ago down the line.......... or from a dog that showed no visible signs of anything else in the pedigree. You've only got to see how some dogs have changed in type in the kennel club over the last 40 years......they are still KC registerd but look nothing like they did way back when! Breeding is not an exact science....but who cares?....as long as he does what it says on the tin...and you are happy
  21. Ay up Jake - Boss almost back to his old self mate...legs fine...I still thinks its a bit tight, but his fitness levels are back to where they were, and he's started catching the easier ones again...how are you doing bud?

  22. love it ...those pictures are billiant - just the sort of action shots I like to put in my portraits!...what sort of camera did you use bud?...Good morings sport to!
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