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Paul in North Lincs

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Everything posted by Paul in North Lincs

  1. well conditioned dogs!...........do you work them??........................oh & :welcomeani:
  2. How is the Cannons training coming on????
  3. great pics again Frank ........................ do you ever go anywhere without that camera and the wippet????
  4. good stuff...................them there wild river aint half wiley and difficult to hook.............good stuff mate
  5. The anus of Lincolnshire , small world, omly 20 minutes from me. too true........................ Im saying no more for fear of incriminating myself
  6. someone may have been mooching before you...caught by another dog and head twisted by its owner and and wanged aside.....................'elimentary my dear Watson'
  7. be careful if your near the airport and not on permission as thats where the police helicopters based its had a few lads lamping in that area including us ! As if we'd go out with no permission........................first name terms me..with lord Nelthorpe himself
  8. Nope..............do not know him, but then again I havent been here for bery long........Briggs only 6 miles from us.............I've got a load of pals in Brigg....small world ay??
  9. I agree with you to a certain extent, about not about lettinga 'not 8 month pup out'.....its good to have them out in controlled sessions and good do should be showing a bit of interest at 8 months.........................no one wants to spend time on a cabbage............ Some do switch on quicker than others...........but to hear that another memebr has the same problem from the same litter does sounds suss to me................. ????????????????????????????????????????????? Another member from the same litter ?? not on here mate not the same litter and there is clearly not
  10. Scunny mate.....................only a few miles from where you were! Plenty of reds about in't there...................infact we lamp for aload of farms only 5 miles away for the airport. give us a pm when your up next... cheers
  11. he's a nice looking dog lad......looks more grey than saluki....hope he makes the grade for you!
  12. ta...he's 5/8 3/8 bull......strong but still racey..................... here's another couple of pics from a month or so back...............
  13. I agree with you to a certain extent, about not about lettinga 'not 8 month pup out'.....its good to have them out in controlled sessions and good do should be showing a bit of interest at 8 months.........................no one wants to spend time on a cabbage............ Some do switch on quicker than others...........but to hear that another memebr has the same problem from the same litter does sounds suss to me.................
  14. Lamping the other night..................got 6 should have had alot more...he was stacking abit after a recent toe injury which seemed to be bothering him occasionally as he was bottling the sharp turns...............squeaked red into about 70 yards but didn't get a slip as he winded us and was offski's............ goin to have to watch that toe
  15. Its sounds as iff you are slipping a big do onto rabbits as they emerge from cover....................at 29" he's just not made for that sort of work where as a wippet x of some sorts would use explosive acceleration at close range. I mirror some other chaps views.......................get him out in darkness in open spaces, and try on the lamp.....he's going to need a ;good 80/90 yards to hit top speed. You need to get between them sitting and where they want to get to to escape...............once cut off and confused.......................it should make easy pickings If you dont
  16. great looking pups.......................they do they business for you!"
  17. Thanks..........................but 'her' is a 'him'!!! ..............He's only 18 weeks old from top FT champ lines, but I wanted him for a worker,......I do alot of pigeon and rough shooting, and also want to use him to flush for the lurchers. He's a bit of a puff really, The last springer I had for 14 years..........He was a utter ass but really turned it on when at work........ I usually like a dog with a bit more backbone but he's bright and training is coming on very well heres a picture of him when he was only 12wks old...going out with his pals for the first time!!!
  18. lovely looking jacky...................must be steady to sit whit you shoot...very unusual for a terrier...good stuff!
  19. there you go..........................feeble little things arn't they
  20. Been busy this weekend......................just finished building the pups new run. Now I'm no expert on DIY..but Im quite chuffed with the outcome. going to trim off the roof panels and bang on some guttering, and hanging baskets later on............... x2 pieces 8 x 4 of sterling board = £11 x 20 lengths of 2x2 = £30 x Tounge n Grove = £10 Old fence panels....skip ratted = free Mesh = from and empty Industrail unit £51 quid..................alot cheaper than buying one of poor quality for £400.00 !!
  21. ok until they ban mail order airguns ...............................................bsa lightening for yer first gun.....nice and light......................full power.......full combo aprox £250........only drawback...no anti-bear trap.....
  22. yep...there onthe vermin list....................................vicious little beerstards though...can give a nasty bite.......................drey poking with sewer rods to a waiting gun..................great sport!!
  23. they were the toys weren't they.......................I had one as a lad...we cut the stock off and made into a big pistol........9 pumps.....full power..............................took hundreds of rabbits with it, and it tucked into the inside pocket of ye barber.......and no-one could tell it was there..........I fired that many pellets throught it they woulds go in backwards!!!!.........had a Sharps Ace for a while as well.....................bloody good guns in there day
  24. hope she doe the business for you buddy
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