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Paul in North Lincs

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Everything posted by Paul in North Lincs

  1. good man for hanging on in there.....................
  2. good news..................those blue eyes mate it look as mad as a hatter!
  3. my dogs get fed in a very similar way to yours snoop..................plenty of fish, fresh meat vegies, paster ......very varied............. What ever you're feeding him obviously works................thats a powerfull looking dog you have there mate...........and its a credit to you :yes:
  4. I used to have one.....................its ears looked feckin ridiculous good luck with the sale
  5. lovely they are..................... very racey ......look alot like my pup which is a coursing grey x 3/8 5/8....................
  6. Firstly.............. if you're dogs suffering, then get it seen immediately..............no excuses secondly........... vets bills come part and parcel of owning dogs.............perhaps you ought to look at pet insurance...... its only about £6 a week. A dogs not like a car that you can garage until you can afford to get it fixed.............the dogs serves you well..........give it the same respect...........
  7. NIce read and photos..................................good to see the lad getting involved
  8. it is what it is..........................a nice looking rabbit dog...nothing more nothing less...........& for some...thats all they want I hope your mate sells it soon bud..
  9. Even the best dogs take some recalling while on a course....................................they are lurchers not.....performing border collies that do backflips for a scooby snack
  10. is he old now???.........................he looks vey pissed off
  11. A couple of years back I watched Jess....me cousins (rob-s..off here) 14 year old retired rabbit dog course a Roe for about 2 miles over aload of fields on the trent flats.....................crazy old bitch.........she'd been an excelent rabbit dog in her time, but had never really seen any big stuff... she was almost dead by the time she'd got back............................quite embarrasing really as we were on permission after rabbits....and the farmer was drilling the field next to us as the chase commenced :blink:
  12. let the lad sell his dog....................................and stop feeding the trolls
  13. me to...they're both belters frank..................................the the white and red is a beaut all the best with em bud
  14. she looks in really good condition.....and very mature for a pup....................shes a credit to you mate
  15. had a cur dilocate a hind leg at the elbow...................trip to the vets................strapped up for a month.............stretched the tendons and tore ligaments on the way out......... After about 3 months the dog was back out and about, but anything too strenous, and she'd pull that leg up.........even when walking. she was never the same, and never ran properly again I hope your bitches injury is not too serious
  16. bail of straw and an old matress.............................does the job for me............and only cost £2.50 every 4 months
  17. thanks for the replys............... out this morning when she nailed her first rabbit which jinked and ran back towards her......................... I was rightly chuffed :toast: was talking to the breeder last night kindly told me that he had given me the wrong birth date...so in reality.....she's only 6.5 months as apposed to 7.5......................................... not bad at all for a babbi
  18. looks a really strong looking dog bud, and still quite racey fo a half cross..........................hope she'll do abit for you ...................cracker
  19. I have never rated hancocks dogs to be fair and have heard nothing but crap reports about them......(light the blue tape and wait for the bang)........for me I want a dog to be a hunting machine.............so proven workers for me all the way............. often dosnt always mean they'll turn out good but at least your trying to eliminate the possiblity of obtaining a duff..... if you want a pet.....................ge to Jerry Greens Dog Sanctuary
  20. it certainly makes sense if you are wanting to breed a working dog............. I find this quite a daft question really :wallbash:
  21. cheers frank........tahts what I thought...cant see her really going over 25...not now anyway.......she's dam quick, and still very fine...then again she's got a hell of a lot of grey in her and only a splash of bully
  22. FOA...Jack n Meg - as requested here are a few pics for my bi-monthly report on my pup 'Lady' who is now 7.5 months old and 22"tts... she is starting to switch on a little bit. She's had some good runs and near misses.... she just need so to lean how to slow down and stop before hitting cover as she is so focussed on the chase she's dont see whats happeneing ahead!!! It terms of training it has been slow, but we seem to making abit of progress lately...............she's is steady, and recalls well..........just need to do abit more on the retieving though.. I have been busy br
  23. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/arti...in_page_id=1770 if you copy and paste the above in your search engines there is an article about a wippet that has a gentic disorder which has casused it to grow double the amount of muscle it should have................ this is one fantastic looking animal!!!!! .......................despite being a freak
  24. It's a half X Paul yet it still looks quite racey........................the dogs a credit to you mate.....it looks well conditioned
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