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Paul in North Lincs

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Everything posted by Paul in North Lincs

  1. Im no good with averages, but the black ones Dam was 3/8 5/8 Bull Grey..........and the sire was a full coursing grey....shes very & racey and fine at 25 tts The brindle I have no idea of the exact breeding...........Im told there's alot of minshaws blood in her.............whatever the averages shes certianly made of the right stuff......... They both work in comletely differnt styles..which I enjoy .....the brindle is much more explosive off the mark and more determined............ where as the black one is equally effective but more chilled out about her work...... The brin
  2. Out early this morning for excercise, and took a few photos... I haven't posted pictrues of the black one for a while....some will recall I got her last Jaunuary at 8 weeks old...shes turned lovely, and enjoys her work....the picture of the pup is her at around 11 weeks old, this tme last year. The brindle bitch is the one I got from Ireland some weeks ago.......... a little cracker she is
  3. i could be a mile of here but you say you only had the bitch 2 weeks and you noticed blood last week.. Could the bitch have been coming OUT of season when you got her??? sorry just a thought quite possibly as mentioned, my lifes experience with lurchers has been dogs only....and therefore I didn't know what to expect throughout the cycle. top marks though on picking up on my gramatical error :blink:
  4. I am pleased to report that this morning the bitch is a completely different animal.........she ate like a horse and is back to her usual sharp, and lively self..........................strange! Andrea.......................you comments were noted.......and thanks for taking the time to check it out fo rme
  5. Thanks alot................... The toilet motions seem ok..no diarea....no vomittng...just quiet, hunched and off her food. I will go with my gut feeling and get her to the vet........whatever has turned her has, done very quickly indeed so I'll get it checked out asap.
  6. I have a lurcher bitch of about 15 months old that I've had for a couple of weeks. All well and good until yesturday, when I noticed she was quiet and reclusive......clearly not herself......she has not eaten for a day and seems to be favouring her back end, and keeps sitting while walking, and peeing alot.....also noticed that the hair is standing up more on the spine. Having only ever had 'dogs' before and not bitches I've never experienced bitches in season but noticed a couple of spots of blood on th kennel floor last week.....also the vulva dosnt seem that swollen and was pink but
  7. He was Jack a Nory re-incarnated........ a knob-jockey of the highest ranking!!!!
  8. Im very similar you Frank..................my bitches are housed outside (always have been from pups, and have never been inside the house. They are socialised and good around the kids, but I the only one that does anything with them. They get daily excercise ...good grub, and ran - 3 times a week on the lamp. We do deal with the pest control on aprox 19,000 acres of land all in, and run 4 lurchers between us;...so they need to be upto the task. I keep them them besause I love the sport,...not for money, although whatever is caught is feed the dogs, ferrets, and occasionally me
  9. Recently I read one in The Country mans weekly.. this guy had written a ferreting article and quoted that "if is stuk his ear into the opening of the hole, he could pin-point exactly where the ferret was if laid up.......and dig down to without the use of a collar or line..... What complete and utter shite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I recon most pups reaches adulthood at around 18 months...... and then becomes a proper 'cur'...when its got a year under each leg
  11. pups a credit to you....lovely colour hope she make sthe grade for you
  12. great bit of sport....nice read to......dog looks mint
  13. PMSL Im pleased they ended up looking like a set of c***ts. I got chased home the other night by the law and I was only walking the dogs on some common land near home in the hours of darkness. I couldnt be assed with the agro...so flittwed pdq. They are really clamping down now........some yorkie lads got nicked near us last week I heard... You cant chase a rabbit in a field........yet your 16 year son can have consensual bum sex with the local peodo.....and thats perfectly legal??????????????? WHEN WILL THE MADNESS END????
  14. I have 2 my and my cousin has 3.....so luckily were Ok if we get have a smash
  15. great news that your back on the mooch and the dogs still doing the bizz.....nice read an pics by the way
  16. thanks mate.......the back uns already doing the bizz :thumbs:
  17. Heres a few snaps of my new bitch - she recently came across from Ireland, shes about 24tts, and 15 months old and decievingly stronger and heavier than I had imagined........shes frickin spring loaded...and cleared a 7 ft fence with gravel board without even a run up !!!!. Not done or seen a great deal, only a few day and night rabbits, but she's keen and should make a usefull additon to the team...... I am unsure of the exact breeding, only the guy who bred her said she had alot of minshaw blood in her...... my cousin has her litter mate...who is the black dog in the last photo, sh
  18. ripstop has a valid point..................Im sure certain computer boffs can track n trace IP adresses
  19. Yes......and the're bull crosses as mad as that sounds....... they are fine with the ferrets, mark well...pick up bolters.. and they are equally good at running on the lamp
  20. no harm in trying..................................may I congratulate on the condition of that bitch......ske really is something else
  21. kissed and made up theres nothing like a mano on mano trial to quash an argument
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