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Paul in North Lincs

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Everything posted by Paul in North Lincs

  1. Anything thats been run once a week for 400 yards then slapped on the rotoary all week wont have that much stamina, but Im with continued worthis can be improved upon. When I got mne it ran 200 yeards and callapsed in a heap...though it had croaked it was that unfit......already ina couple of weeks of free running and several lamping sessions his fitnnes and stamina have come on leaps and bounds. I supose really you only get out what you put in......
  2. ..to test my youngest on something abit bigger than a rabbit, and to have an enjoyable injury free season...... ............could be doing abit of work for wages this year so if all goes to plan, we may earn a dollar from doing something we love..........BRUCEY BONUS
  3. eeerrrr.................uuuummmmm ....... thats not me eeeerrr they are my mates Sunday afternoon BBQ shorts
  4. I've already posted some a while ago but if you missed them, here he is:-
  5. A mate is at home as we speak trying to rig x2 12 volt batteries together, for his lampin kit. he has asked what the best way to wire them so they kick out 12v??......lamp works but it wont charge........any ideas please - from those more technically minded than me. cheers
  6. at home around the kids he plods around like a beddraggled seaside donkey......nothing excites him at all..hes like a grumpy ol bugger. get him out....and its like Dr Jackyn Mr. Hide.........Never seen such a contrast in perosnality from one dog
  7. I recently rehomed an ex track grey called Hey Porter who had been in a domestic envirmoment for 9 months. Any way I've introduced him to working life , and boy...I am impressed. Having never been off his lead he works the lamp better than alot of lurchers Ive had.....and recalls immediately after a miss or when the laps turned off. - hes dosnt 'hunt up'.... He can turn a rabbits on a sixpence like he's done it all his life, and unbelievably quick off the mark. I've hardly done any work with him really he just picked it up instinclively..........loves he does. just got an annoy
  8. hi Bud Barrel 28" Fixed choke Automatice saftey catch with swith the choose top or bottom barrel for first shot. Cheers Paul
  9. Making space in the gun cabinet nothing fancy just a decent Lanber inbargun O/U ejector 12b. Full working order. - with nice engravings (made in Spain) If your looking for a good solid gun for pest control then it will do for you. Looking for £135.00. Shotgun certificate holders only - can arrange postage for an additional £20.00. or buyer can collect. Camera currenlty broken but I have a photo on my pc at work, so can obtain monday morning if required. Im in between Lincoln Grimsby and Doncaster off the M180. cheers
  10. those dogs worked well mate...really enjoyed that
  11. fukc me ........................you've done in 'GENTLE BEN' lol
  12. sleeping quarters stuffed with straw..................they love it when its fresh..but soon gets flattened down
  13. good luck with your continued search mate
  14. theres loads of adequate varieties............ I would receon a collie x grey x whippet would be ideal for you
  15. theres loads of adequate varieties............ I would receon a collie x grey x whippet would be ideal for you
  16. As has already been said Bgrade A2 means the best grade your dog ran in was A2. Dogs are graded from open racers then A1 all the way down to A10 or maybe even lower. Bform 71 is the number of points the dog got for it's best line of form in your case 71. Some Picture got 143 points for winning the English Derby. Thanks Tote....................so would it be safe to say that he was nothing more than an average rated racer?...................
  17. b grade is the grade of race h ran as far as i know eg.a garade is the top grade Thanks scent.......but I still dont get it!!!
  18. mhy recently acquired dog has the following stats taken from greyhoung-data.com races 31 - won 5 - 2nd 7 Bgrade A2 Bform 71 please can someone tell me what Bgrade and Bform are? and please comment as the usefullness of this dog, form the stats given, when racing Many thanks
  19. dog looks nice. .............................your defination of a warrior and mine are probably two very different things.......and not sure about the judging thing either. I do like to see photos of everyones dogs...but the repeated pictures of bull x's that keep appearing are starting to get a little tiring sorry
  20. ....thanks.........shes a cracker bird.........and everything I would ever want in a lurcher....only 23 "tts, ................and practically trained herself - very loyal obedient, and grafts well day and night. She came across the pond last year.....and I woundn't part with her for love nor money. Alot of folk slate minshaw, and believe the strain is really diluted...That maybe the case, but this little bitch in one in a million, and funnily my cousin has a bitch - litter mate to mine..and he will tell you exactly the same
  21. he's just over 28 " tts.......quite a big lad
  22. Thats not me..................................... Im holding the camera
  23. cheers..............I am suprised as to how good his composition is to say he hasnt been off a lead for the last 9 months....makes me wonder what he'd have looked like when he was in racing form.....Im guessing he'd of looked something else. He's still quite raw, although hes been in a domestic environment, and is going to need abit more work before I'll test him on the lamp......hes had a gallop at a day time rabbit in an open fied and I was astounded at his speed...its the first time I'd ever seen a grey take off...Christ........cant wait until I can get his fitness up..... I've wal
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