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Everything posted by reaper1064

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgFgEqm3o60 Found this by accident, thought I'd share.
  2. Be funny if that bloke had grown a woman's bits, what a parting that would be.
  3. Remember your not gay if you don't enjoy it.
  4. Very nice mate, got an olson black ready for when I get started. That set up looks mint.
  5. Think the rules are a bit different where he comes from in regards to pheasants.
  6. Nice one mate, some time it just takes the right conversation at the right time.
  7. Yes can you imagine the phone call, " Hi officer just roosting a shit load of pheasants out of this pen, just thought I would let you know."
  8. I asked about this in the past and was told not to bother as I was doing nothing illegal .
  9. Nice shooting mate, good set of pic's there. You look like the wild man of Borneo of out to hunt,
  10. Nice going mate, looks like they are chillin' and watching the footie in that pose.
  11. Hi mate spot on set up that, mine's got an Ultra barrel and ratworks shroud. Don't need a silencer now.
  12. Tried to edit the first post but it disappeared so tried again and it re appeared.
  13. Don't know what went wrong with my last reply but I'll try again. I use HW on mine, slim, light and very quiet. You can also look at the A&M silencers which are very good although a little bulkier.
  14. I always use the HW on mine, slim, light and extremely quiet. However there is always the A&M which are also very good but a little bulkier.
  15. Unfortunately it's people who live in cities that make the policies for the countryside.
  16. Must have got wind that people are buying them for other rifles, rip off mothers.
  17. Hi lads I don't want anyone to get the idea that I think that all hares should be shot, the point I was trying to make and probably not very well is that if I am not asked by the land owner to shoot them I leave them be. I have quite a few hares on my permissions and they are not a problem. But if requested by the land owner to shoot them I will.
  18. I agree with what your saying but last year one of my permissions had hares and basically was told to treat them like the rabbits. That one is a commercial plant nursery, I have hares on the paddocks I shoot and they are left alone. Plus I am given my given my shoots to get rid of a problem not control it. In the past one of my land owners saw me leave a kit alone and basically said if I can't do the job then he would get someone who could. The nursery owner is a business man not a countryman.
  19. Depends on the permission, if the land owner wants them gone then it's up to you how much you value that permission.
  20. It's the ogives I've used today, work great for my barrel, but I suppose that's what it's all down to, what suits your barrel.
  21. Well been looking at the Defiant pellet for a week or so and decided to take the plunge. Contacted Clubshot and got my order in. Must say after speaking to him that he a bloody nice chap. His service is second to non as well. On receiving the Pellets I went off to give them a test. I was advised to ignore the first 10 or so shots and then zero in. Well me being me ignored this and tried to match them straight away to the Falcons I usually use. All I can say is WOW, matched the falcons and didn't need to touch the scope. Was pegging targets out to 60yrds with no probs and the grouping was as go
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