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Everything posted by oscarsdad

  1. Would you be interested in a part exchange for a TX200? Cheers
  2. I replied to your Pm about unlocking costs, so don't make out that I just didn't respond. You are clearly keen to sell hence the cheeky offer. No offence meant but rather childishly offence has been taken by you. Good luck with the sale
  3. I will give u £285 and pay with cash later this evening.
  4. I'll give you £300 and pay today?
  5. What's your email address and I will send you some Anthony
  6. I have an air arms TX200 in .22 with a V-Mach tuning kit fitted, a nikko stirling gold crown 3-12 scope on a top quality one piece mount. Comes with about 2000 top quality pellets and sling swivels fitted. It is a mk1 so it doesn't have the annoying anti-bear trap mechanism and it is in lovely condition. I am looking for £265 and for an extra tenner I will bring it to you in Wolverhampton. Anthony
  7. I have a tuned AA TX200 in .22 with a 4-12 scope and pellets for sale for £260 if you're interested? Anthony
  8. It is not just the frequency, more how the whistle is blown and it is unlikely that anyone else will blow it in the same way so the dog will only respond to you and your whistle.
  9. My border comes beating with me and he often puts the spaniels to shame when it comes to flushing pheasant and ground game. He is brilliant at chasing and dispatching pricked birds as well. He doesn't retreive though, once it is dead he has no interest in it. I think he is trying to prove I do not need the 11wk old cocker which I have as well.
  10. I have a Mk1 TX200 in .22 flavour with a v-Mach tuning kit fitted if you fancy it? Great condition rifle but just not getting used. Anthony
  11. Whereabouts are you mate? Grand union has a lot of pike in it, or earlswood lakes is good for pike. Coombe abbey is also supposed to be good for both pike and Zander. Anthony
  12. I will send some pics when I get on the laptop in a bit. Anthony
  13. I have some I can email-send me your email address.
  14. I have a mk1 TX in .22 with a V-Mach tuning kit fitted for sale if you are interested? Fitted with 3-12 Nikko Stirling gold crown scope and sling mounts. Fantastic gun but just not getting used. Looking for £250. Anthony
  15. 2 - 2 yr old border terrier and a 9 week old working cocker, both makes and both curled up together as I write.
  16. I pick up my cocker pup in 4 hours time so will be in the same boat once we get through Christmas! Good luck! Anthony
  17. My mrs is a air stewardess and was a proper townie. I have only been training her 18months but she now nags me to take her fishing, has been out with the shotgun and the air rifle and she is much better than me at skinning and gutting game and fish and she actually enjoys doing it. She also loves my dogs so I have been lucky too!
  18. I have a a tuned TX mk1 in .22 for sale with a nice 4-12 scope and slip. I am looking for £245 for it. Anthony
  19. I have one and it is fantastic and shoot lovely. Shot very well with this morning on the clays.
  20. Penn 525supermag is the best beach reel - very long casting and built like a tank.
  21. The latest model is a 4S - if it is a 4S then I am definitely interested Anthony I have either had too much wine or it didnt have the 's' there when I wrote this! Sorry
  22. Mine is not regulated-I would give it a go and see what you think of the standard rifle. Reg will give you a higher shot count if you decide you need it.
  23. Dead easy and no you don't need any special tools. From memory just an Allen key to remove the stock and then a spanner and a screwdriver Anthony
  24. I use mine for hunting. Great little lightweight rifle and deadly accurate. People winge about shot count but it is perfect for hunting at 30 shots - unlikely you will need more than that. Don't forget to budget for a pump or bottle as well though. Anthony
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