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Evil Roy Slade

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Everything posted by Evil Roy Slade

  1. Your not wrong uru,same down here,and yet we vote for the pricks tho.
  2. Im very impressed keeps,god i wish we had plummers down here,really like the look.I've got permission to hunt a local farmers pig sty,but there's only me and my pup so i dont know how we'll get on,be a bit of fun tho.Atb.
  3. G'day all,if anyone is thinking of emigrating to New Zealand please bring your dogs,fells,pats,plummers,we need some decent working terriers down our way.I know of one chap who has a pair of plummers,he had a litter begining of last year and had trouble selling them,nobody knew what they were,and I found out too late.He has a clip on youtube nailing a possum.Happy hunting .
  4. Sorry,just getting use to this upload game,Max coming up 5 months.
  5. Ok thanks Tyla,will it bolt rabbits as well?
  6. Hi all,was wondering whats good for bolting rats,as no longer have ferrets in this country.I have seen these smokers on youtube,but converted to our money not cheap,tho I dont think I could put up with a chainsaw hard out for too long,what about these foggers on ebay?Any good?Thanks for any help.Atb.
  7. One mans trash is another mans treasure,and I have seen plenty of mixed breed curs make decent pig dogs,with enough time put into them.But I would still put my money on proven bloodlines.Atb.
  8. Hi, thanks for the great welcome,Yeah still heaps of rabbits and pigs down here,tho calici virus was introduced in the south island a few years ago,bouncing back now,oh and by the way,football is my and my kids game,don't give a rats arse about the all blacks,tho we did win the world cup.My Dads from Lancaster and my mum from Renfrew so I was bought up a little pommy kid.Bringing my kids up the same.Cheers all.
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