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Everything posted by BushPush

  1. Thanks,those were the kind of answers i was looking for.And yeh i dont let mine eat dead corpses.only fresh kills
  2. how can a jack russell pick up bushing from the patterdale..?they chase anything that moves because its their instinct...i can get the kills off them,but they find things in the orchards and obviously i cant see them,theyve never ate a rotten animal but they do try i just get it off them and throw it somewhere they cant get it. But if youd like to answer my original question insted of giving me questions,can they catch anything off a rabbit or wood pidgeon if they eat it all. The animals are nowhere near a town.
  3. Weight it,looks as big as the current record
  4. My Patterdale and jack russel bush rabbits,when they catch them,or anything for that matter even if they find a dead animals bones they eat it.Now obviously i dont mind as much if they eat fresh animals because at the end of the day thats what their bodys are built for,digesting fresh carcass.But what about bones they find and eat? can they catch any form of virus from it?they seem to eat the entire body,even the head,infact the first thing he eats is the head.
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