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Everything posted by tomano1

  1. Good one mate would be good to have a go
  2. Right I can get talking been printing maps off of farm so he can show us what fields what a mish

    1. tomano1


      Pelaw mate I'll get big GJ to put me pics on off me new huch it's a topper tubes two levels and me 3 ferret bow box well made both just needed stained put me hob in with the two jils should be ok ?

    2. revij22


      do you ever get to thirsk fir&feather

    3. tomano1


      I'm here me old friend how's u out tomorrow better get some bunnys cos ant coming back 6 and seven no good wont to be 20 30 lol

    4. Show next comments  159 more
  3. Went to auction got two level ferret huch 15 and bow back ferret carrier hold 4 10 so 25 the lot well pleased :)

    1. GrCh


      wish there was one near thinkin of getting some fferrets for next season

    2. darbo


      nice one toma

    3. tomano1


      Ye I no got tubes in loads of room put the three in together see how they get on two kills and big bob the hob

    4. Show next comments  159 more
  4. Off to the auction see if there is owt any body won't out while im there ?

    1. revij22


      which auction mate thirsk

    2. rocky1


      i used 2 got 2 the thirsk aution every last saturday of the month ,think the 1 toma going 2 is pelaw

    3. tomano1


      Ye mate went pelaw one got ferret 2 tier with tubs in it 15quid and a ferret bow back for 4 ferrets 10 so25 the lot

  5. Best one so for mate 100 yards and ya dog gets back to speed and nails it voted best view so for tomano1
  6. It's probes some refuge wanting to stay in this country
  7. Well that's me up isn't I quiet when there is no one up in the house not for long but it's nice while is lasts :)

    1. big GJ

      big GJ

      f*****g its never quiet in my house been up since 6 again ha ha

    2. tomano1


      Morning mate well I'd did not last long there up is loz up prbs not soc she ant ?

  8. How is his nose if so I'd seek a vet or get some antibiotic mate just to be on the safe side ATB toma
  9. Welcome to the THL mate good friends and advice ATB toma
  10. Good mate back to basics it's the best way to do then on to live sport ATB toma
  11. Out this weekend no matter what I'm getting withdrawal simp tens not good

    1. tomano1


      U just spoke to him ?

    2. paulus


      hes undercover in the north east lol

    3. tomano1


      Your a mad man but a mint bloke u make me pmsl like it mate ? :)

    4. Show next comments  159 more
  12. Exe lent mate god catch mint dogs and land good pics carnt get any better ATB toma
  13. Mint mate I can only hope but every thing comes to wait toma no1
  14. Welcome to THL mate good sight and lads ATB toma
  15. Went to county house and said they don't sell but do bag all and kirkwood do them ?
  16. Ment to say for a 177 sorry ?
  17. Going over town for a spring what type thanks ?
  18. Going over the town get a spring for 177 what type ?

  19. Should have no trouble selling that looks a nice bit of kit no1
  20. nice one mate ill have to give them a try ATB toma
  21. Same here mate but 25 years out off ferreting and a bit off shootin just joined and found some good lads and even better I'd vice welcome to the THL toma
  22. How much u looking for me pall big GJ is looking for one were are u at mate ?
  23. Good stuff mate nice write up never had one since I used to go out with me uncle but sounds like u had fun no1
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