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Everything posted by tomano1

  1. Should be ok but I'd leave it a bit longer no1
  2. Done new petition was good laugh only two lost 4 but seven yesterday good Land ATB no1
  3. Depends on dog bull whippet most people use ATB no1
  4. Just got back what a day got 2 lost four but Mark 3 m finder worked ok

    1. tomano1


      God shit me and big GJ done it had a propa laugh might go out again tomorrow lol u get a few stevo :)

    2. StevoSmith


      Not yet mate...im off for bunnies in few hours the on charlie for rest of night....need to take a few as farmer is about to indoor lamb and ole red is on the mooch there

    3. tomano1


      Wish u lived here lol I think we could get on like house on fire lol :)

    4. Show next comments  147 more
  5. Toma up getting kit sorted qiick look at the aucttions then out any body won't out ?

    1. revij22


      which auctions are ya looking at mate

    2. tomano1


      Pelaw it was shit

  6. That bad White stuff looks like it's comeing

    1. tomano1


      I but it's me driving lol :)

    2. The Duncan

      The Duncan

      Head & Shoulders matey!

    3. tomano1


      A nar but 110 brake expert van does 360 in the snow !

    4. Show next comments  147 more
  7. That bad White stuff looks like it's comeing

  8. Would look real good if could then u could etch them used be a French polisher and inlay looks good you use ply beech is stronger or u use that as well ?
  9. Good crafts man well made mate have u tried brass inlay would look nice ? ATB no1
  10. Going back to school me no can under sand me lol

    1. patterdalejoel
    2. Lab



    3. tomano1


      Should stope drinking lol :)

  11. U should have no probes learning and getting advice of us all on here good sight mate ATB no1
  12. Little toma no2 is coming tomorrow :) :)

    1. paulus
    2. charlie nelly1

      charlie nelly1

      well he cant be much worse than the big tomano!!!

    3. tomano1


      Told u lot I can not read or write properly had probes at school but it does not affect me being good hunter so kma lol :)

    4. Show next comments  147 more
  13. Little toma no2 is coming tomorrow :) :)

  14. Nice to here mate keep the good work sounds like your doing a good job with dog alb no1
  15. Lol extreme hunter does not need permittion :)no1
  16. Hi bud welcome to the THL there good lot have give lots of help and advice ATB no1
  17. Well god day 6 out 7 and there is more back back again tomorrow ye he hope I don't lose it again ?

    1. paulus


      you talking to god now he finished on day 6 and rested on day 7..lol what you lost..the plot...lol

    2. tomano1


      U no what I'm like good hunter shit speller I can read or write properly mate I'm diislective see don't no how to spell that lol :)

  18. Well god day 6 out 7 and there is more back back again tomorrow ye he hope I don't lose it again ?

  19. Well half a day going to get a bit ferreting done at two :)

  20. Well half a day going to get a bit ferreting done at two :)

  21. Hi bud welcome to the THL good help and advice ATB no1
  22. Get there like u said have a look fek the cuppa I just get on with time is the essence and always least half to an our for dark last month we left it to late and through big bob Down to go get them ATB no1
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